Sunday, September 6, 2009

How Much Does Myammees Weave Cost Physics and Chemistry, facts or fiction, note 3

Medellín, September 2009

Note 3

Physics and Chemistry, realities or fiction.

Quantum theory is what allows us to know and predict the behavior of the microscopic world and atomic. Whether it's right or wrong, this theory has allowed civilization to develop, in the form usedtate, concepts such as electricity, electromagnetism, fusion, fission, x-rays, gamma rays and so on. Utility through the development of atomic theory, today we can hear radio, watch TV, have Internet and cell phones. In medicine, x-rays and radiation to treat cancer are the best examples of the power utility use and development of atomic theory. How true is it? Voices like Stephen Hawking, however the service utility theory, are skeptical that it really, we are delivering true knowledge of the elementary particles of matter. CHTML XC

atomic theory leads to the periodic table of elements. If atoms are the same throughout the universe, this table should be applied throughout the universe and therefore the elements we know on Earth, are the only ones that exist in the universe. Recall that the last elements of the table are very unstable, which means no other elements and that if eventually there would be too unstable.

The final conclusion on the compositionN of elements in the cosmos is, according to the validity of the periodic table in the universe, that the basic element is hydrogen. Fusion becomes Helio and this, under extreme conditions of temperature, oxygen, iron carbóny. Other elements in the Earth are the result of the explosion of supernovas. The cloud, which formed our solar system was enriched with elements that were produced in the explosion of a supernova.

The theory is very consistent, but in my opinion is lame. Only whenatomic theory no longer teoríay become "revealed truth" could be accepted, so incontrovertible, that the periodic table applies to the entire universe. This makes it look all the theories with respect to the composition of the universe, but also with some degree of skepticism.

At the macro level, relativity is today the official science. The computer model of the universe we have information relativistic. This model, which is what we said in the notes one (1) and two (2), is the one that has been presentedTando television as incontrovertible. Scientists who have followed all the programs of the universe and the like, have given an aura of absolute truth.

A human scale, Newton's laws are still valid, however not find the cord that allows the universal appeal and the disqualification of most of the scientific community. Why still valid? Because it is the most suitable to the human scale, the duration of our life and perception and above all, because it is completely utilitarian and allowed, first createindustrial revolution and second gear the whole consumer society we now live, enjoy and suffer.

When we studied the relativistic model of the universe in the 90s or later, you have found inconsistencies have been corrected with new theories.

Studying galaxies, we found that many stars orbiting around its center a huge speed. Confronted with the mass of the galaxy with these speeds, it was observed that there was not enough ordinary matter to keep these stars from escapingof the galaxy. This led to the conclusion that there must be dark matter, which was not antimatter, which did not interact with ordinary matter, but who provided the gravity needed to hold together all these stars in its galaxy.

By adjusting a theoretical model of the composition of the Universe to the combined set of cosmological observations, scientists have determined approximately the following composition: there are 5 times more dark matter than ordinary matter. This matter does not exist in the form of stars and planets that we can see. Dark matter is not manifested in the form of dark clouds of normal matter, matter consists of particles called baryons. We know this because we should be able to detect baryonic clouds to study the absorption of radiation passing through them. Dark matter is not antimatter, because we did not observe the distinctive gamma rays that occur when antimatter annihilates with matter. Finally, we can not rule out the existence of supermassive black holes the size of galaxies, which supply the missing gravity to hold together the stars to galaxies.

What is dark energy?

The standard model of the universe states that it is expanding. What energy is what is providing this expansion? Appears to be an energy that counteracts gravity universal. If there is energy, the current gravity force the universe to collapse and the end of this would be a terrible implosion. But no, what is observed is that the universe is expanding and ever more rapidly.

Nextgraphic shows that the expansion has been accelerating in recent times, which gives more confidence to the scientific community of the existence of dark energy.

Figure 1 Expansion of the Universe since the Big Bang

"expanding universe.This diagram in the form of "cup" shows changes in the pace of expansion since the birth of the universe 14 billion years ago. As time progresses, the universe appears to be increasing its rate of expansion. The pattern changes markedly around 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the Universe began to spread at a faster pace. Astronomers theorize that the accelerated expansion of universe due to the action of a mysterious "dark energy", which act on galaxies to accelerate. (NASA / STScI / Ann Feild) " CHT MLXC

more is unknown than known. We know how much dark energy there because we know how it affects the expansion of the Universe. Other than that, it is a complete mystery. But it is a major mystery. It turns out that about 70% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest, everything on Earth, all observed by our instruments, all the normal matter amounts to less than 5% of the universe.

Figure 2 Composition of the universe of matter and energy types


Our life lasts on average 80 years. All these theories use time figure of thousands and millions of years, far from being observed, or by a generacióny even for a civilization.

virtual model of the universe, where you can accelerate time-100, 1000 or 1000.000 of times is what allows all inferences. Obviously never be proven to the satisfaction of human reason time scale.

cuerdita Newton Evidently there to justify the universal law of attraction, but this has led to the creation of facts which are not or will: Deformation space time, dark matter, dark energy etc. Currently there is an experiment worth billions of dollars to try to find a particle of dark matter.


GHadron Collider ran (English Large Hadron Collider LHC or , acronym by which it is commonly known) is a particle accelerator (or accelerator and particle collider) located in now called the European Organization for Nuclear Research (the acronym is the former French name of this institution: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire , CERN CH TMLXC) near Geneva , bordering French - Swiss . The LHC is designed to collide beams of hadrons , more exactly protons of 7 TeV of energy, and its purpose Main examine the validity and limits of the Standard Model , which is currently the theoretical framework of particle physics, which are known to rupture at high energy levels & rdquo ; (4) May much effort to reach more concrete results.

The standard model of the universe is not a revealed truth. Some scientists can not afford to disqualify those who do not believe or are just skeptical. Given the convincing power of television, today much of the non-scientific community believes in the letter that this model is the absolute reality. This model should not become the official science, outside of which there is no salvation. There are many reasons to doubt the reality ofl model and up to believe that everything is a fantasy.

"Hawking has worked on the basic laws governing the universe. Along with

Roger Penrose showed that General Theory of Relativity of Einstein implies that space and time have to have a beginning in Big Bang and end within black holes. These results indicated the need to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of century . " (4) . Stephen Hawking also said that although the two theories are very important, can not be simultaneously true. This implies that all they havescientific fact has been very important, but it is necessary to have a unified theory of both the micro and the macro universe and there are many scientists working on this. (5)

(4) English Wikipedia


&; Nbsp;

Juan Fernando Sanin


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