Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chronic Back Pain More Condition_symptoms World's population can grow without limits?

Medellín, September 2009

human population can grow without limits?

The obvious answer is no. The Earth has a limited area, and therefore what may be inside it is also limited. Today, with nearly 6.4 billion people, are feeling the effects of what podíamos called "overpopulation." Not enough food, space for housing is increasingly expensive and building construction is the dominant model. There are air and water pollution, although I have my doubts, there is talk of a anthropogenic global warming, clean water is scarce, the accumulation of trash is something unfathomable to us is drowning and many other negative forces, the increase in population within the prevailing culture of civilization, have been released.

Demographers have given two figures, which are not prophetic, if you are very rational in respect of the share of people on Earth. They estimated that under ideal conditions of a world government, the land can accommodate a maximum population of 20.000 million.

To this figure must:

A world government, or at least supranational body that controls the environment and the production & oacute; No food.

total replacement of polluting fuels and renewable energy use completely clean.

Birth control before and after the date on which it will reach that figure, so that without the population ages, there is a balance between births and deaths .

food production based on modern technology.

All the mountains should be reforestadas and food production will be in the flat areas that can be wheeled and mechanized.

The other is the magic number of 10.000 million. When we arrive at this figure, without substantial changes in our global civilization, the living Earth is going to be unmanageable. Hunger, injustice, crime and hatred of classes will make this planet a mousetrap in the worst of his senses. Almost you can say that would not be worth living in these conditions.


The following chart shows the projected population growth.

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note that in 1900 the world population stood at 1650 million people and in 1980 was 4.434 billion. Using the natural growth formula, we get the figure of 10.000 million will be achieved in 2050, while the utopian 20.000 million is deferred until 2102.


The theory of evolutions species assumes that natural selection or survival of the fittest is a universal law. If so, before reaching the fearsome figure of 10.000 million European countries, USA, Canada, China Japanandthe, will exterminate the rest of the world. Moreover, as overcrowding still remains a danger, also exterminate minority and immigrant groups now living in developed countries. We are on the verge of the emergence of a new Hitler, now with universal screening and not restricted to Germany and the Aryan race.

& nbsp;

is to understand the position of the churches, including Catholic, radically opposed to any form of family planning. I understand that oppose abortion and euthanasia because they are a living human aggression and because of widespread, would apply political criteria rather than social criteria, but not look at the serious tunnel problem of unrestricted population growth ..

Juan Fernando Sanin


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