Friday, October 30, 2009

Were To Get Jeff Hardy Apparel The history of the Moon

Medellín, November 2009


1. General considerations

All cultures have developed theories about the formation of the Moon. These theories have been consistent with the culture of each era and the advancement of science.


HTMLXC monotheistic cultures: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have given any credibility to the story of Genesis, Old Testament for Christians and the Torah for Jews.

Genesis 14. And God went on to say: Come to have lights in the firmament of heaven to make a division between Diaye night, and must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years. 15. And they have to serve as lights in the expansion &; Oacute; of the heavens to shine upon the earth. And it came to be. 16. And he proceeded to make two great lights-the greater light to rule the Diaye the lesser light to rule the night and the stars . "

However, only very fundamentalist people of these religions believe that this was done with a magic wand and in a moment, by magic, appeared the Sun, Earth, Moon and stars and remained static, as we know them today. What weobserved during the civilizacióny leading knowledge, is that these stars have been changing slowly and that creation was not static. The Sun, every second, you are getting your energíay one day will lose. The Moon is receding from Earth about 3 cm. by Anoy although very little, sooner or later the seriousness of the Earth will not be able to keep it in orbit. The Milky Way is on collision course with the Andromeda galaxy and the collision will be presented in a few million years. Famous Aries point, that at the time of Jesus was in la constellation of Aries is now in the constellation of tread. . That is, the creation is underway

The Creator, at some point, 14.000 billion years ago, we started the time, space and matter in the big bang, known as the big bang. Thereafter the laws of physics have been shaping our universe and is based on this idea they have developed theories about the formation of our natural satellite: the Moon.

CH TMLXC recognized

There are currently five (5) theories about the formation of the Moon. All have strengths and weaknesses, but one of them is the one that has more acceptance in the scientific community and known as "The big collision."

1.1 fission

When I was in the school, the theory that marked the pauta on the formation of the Moon, was that this was a piece of earth that had fallen and was now orbiting our planet. It was believed that the mass detached pertenecíaa the Pacific Ocean basin.

fission hypothesis is that originally there was only the Earth and that part of the mass was ejected, due to instability caused by the strong rotational acceleration at that time experienced our planet. (Something contrary to what follows from the impact theory) The part that moved "was" part of the angular momentlar initial system and, therefore, remained in rotation, with the passage of time, synchronized with the period of movement.

the area is believed to be off for the Pacific Ocean, which has about 180 million square kilometers with an average depth of 4,049 meters. Those who do not believe in that hypothesis, saying that to have that release, required the initial angular momentum would be incredibly large. So great that if it had existed at some time, it was not possible to form, or the Earth or the Moon.

This theory has a very remarkable merit and which was proposed in 1878 by Charles Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin, the creator of the theory of evolution and a person since the beginning of the nineteenth century been highly respected by the world scientific community.

1.2 Capture

Moon was a star independent, passing close to Earth, is & oacutee; captured into orbit, thanks to action by the mutual gravitational force between two bodies.

is believed that before the capture, the Moon was a protoplanet having an elliptical orbit, not clean, it was interference with the orbits of rocky planets and wandered among the planets Mercury and Mars. This orbit would have been altered by the gravitational effects of the giant planets, which altered the whole planetary system forced from their orbits to various bodies, including our satellite. Orbited the moon in this space to near Earth and was captured by the gravitación it.

This theory is good, but it has an Achilles heel. Earth's atmosphere, or the present or the past, have had the strength to slow a body the size of the moon and not capture this slowdown appears to be an impossible event realization.

1.3 Accretion


your theory is based on the assumption of both stars are formed simultaneously in the material which formed the solar system.

This assumes the formation at the same time, both the Earth and the Moon, from the same material and in the same part of the giant cloud from which the system was formed solar. When Apollo astronauts brought the material of the Moon, and this material was dated, it was found that the samples were approximately between 4,500 and 4,600 million years, ie, the moon age, approximately equal to the age of the Earth.

This theory, in a nutshell is about equal to the second, for that implicitly, speaks of a star that wandered near the Sun and the Earth and the parallel education is just a conclusion logic. Like the second, the accretion theory also raises questions. The density is 5.52 ton/m3 Earth and the Moon is 3.34 ton/m3, being so close and having been formed at the same time and same source of material that would have more or less the same composition. The Earth has a huge iron core does not seem to exist on the Moon and also the pair Luna

ece be plenty of minerals such as titanium, which are scarce in our world.

Finally, the astronauts of the Apollo missions, brought a total of about 400 kg of rocks, a sample too Pequena very unrepresentative of the material from the surface of the moon. Therefore, it is daring to speculate and projected on a body whose mass is estimated at 7.35 x 10

22 kg. based on a small sample of 400 kg.

This theory is also a variant of the second. Do not go to the capture, but accepts the temporary parallel education of the two stars.

1.4 The impact

Figure 1 Theory of impact -great-impacto.jpg

& nbsp;

This hypothesis is widely accepted today. Assumed that the Moon was formed after the collision with the Earth, protoplanet a scale size of Mars, whose name was Theia. The impact was not head on. The collision was at an angle and made huge blocks of matter of the two stars and then jump into space and for a

accretion process, similar to what occurred in the formation of the rocky planets, the Moon was formed.

This hypothesis helps to understand the current rotation of the Earth. It cree that this impact was the one who gave energy to the Earth to rotate 360 degrees every 24 hours, which is also optimal for life. Because if slower, the part exposed to the sun is too hot, while the opposite side would be very extreme negative temperatures.

Like most theories of astrophysics, it has been modeled using computers to simulate a collision with an object whose size would be equivalent to that of Mars and which is slower than the 50,000 km / h, would allow the formation of satelliteste.

Tehia This theory says that was formed by accretion in one of the unstable Lagrange points in Earth system - Sol, located on the Earth's orbit. The continuous accretion Tehia was increasing its mass, until it escaped protoplanet Lagrange point and increased his speed on the Earth's orbit until it produced the greatest impact.


2 Theory of the great impactía_del_gran_impacto


impact theory was first published in the journal Icarus, by Dr. William Hartman and and Donald Devis in 1975.

1.5 The precipitation

The latest theory is called the hypothesis of precipitation. According to this, the energy released during the formation of Earth heated part of the material, forming a hot, dense atmosphere, mostly composed of metal fumes and oxides. These were extended to form a giant belt micro beads, which by accretion, when condensed, formed the Moon.

Juan Fernando Sanin

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Driver License Renewal Locations In Columbus Ohio Table fandoms: # 18: Leverage - "Between work and work"

Fandom: Leverage
Title: men and women.
Warnings: None
Characters: OT3! Eliot / Hardison / Parker
Parker microwave popcorn removed, emptied the bag into a bowl and ran to take his place on the sofa in Nate. Just between Eliot and Hardison, as always. He had hardly sat, Hardison was jumped by making it fall a few popcorn in the lap of Eliot. Parker began to collect them, but notice the look of Eliot, he stopped and let it the pick. Hardison
coughed trying to get your attention. When looked at him, held a kind of DVD.

Notes: I was cruelly shattered the characters, but after watching this series so amazing, I needed to write something about them. It is the first non-romantic fiction writing to this table. Although now that I read the summary looks like a porn fic at least ... XDD

Parker took

microwave popcorn, emptied the bag into a bowl and ran to take his place on the sofa in Nate. Just between Eliot and Hardison, as always. He had hardly sat, Hardison was jumped by making it fall a few popcorn in the lap of Eliot. Parker began to collect them, but notice the look of Eliot, he stopped and let it picked them upa. Hardison
coughed trying to get your attention. When looked at him, held a kind of DVD.

- What the hell is that Hardison? - Eliot muttered between his teeth before going to his mouth a handful of popcorn.
- A new video game. It is brutal, bloody, and has not yet gone on sale ...
- So how is you ...? - Began to ask Parker. Eliot looked at her, folding his arms .- Ahh ... How many times have I said that hacking is wrong? - Scolded Hardison. But did not seem to heed.
- Va, play .- resolved happily taking the PS3.
- I pass. I'm not into video games. - Eliot said getting up and going to the kitchen for beer.
- The best fighting game in history .- coHardison creased aloud that Eliot could hear him.
- Okay, I sign .- said passing a bottle of Parker .- But no cheating.
Parker smiled and sipped his beer. The thing promised.


- But what is it that you have done? If I was winning! - Eliot protested after his character in the game came out on fire by spontaneous combustion.
Parker ran back to the kitchen with more popcorn.
- Wait, do not you dispute .- still screaming jumping over the feet of his friends who watched with open mouth as he sat between the two .- Now, continue. Eliot
shook his head while laughing Hardison.
- not like losing fights or video games, man ...
- I'm Not Okay? Was winning but I've been cheating.
- I have not cheated. "You've seen me cheat? - Parker shook his head as Eliot idly, still protesting .- See? Miss me right. Eliot
rolled her eyes.
- The Parker says does not count.
- What do you mean what I say does not count? - Protested the girl giving him a punch in the shoulder to Eliot, who rolled her eyes. Hardison was still laughing.
- No matter who says it. I have not cheated. What happens is that if you give a square, circle, circle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, directional up, circle and analog, the character does his special move. Hardison Eliot
watched without blinking.
- But what the hell are you saying?
Parker laughed.
- That's what everybody knows, Eliot. So I missed comentártelo.
- Yes, Eliot. Even a child knows that ten years .- Parker said but really did not understand a word of what was said Hardison.
- But how will everyone know if the game is not even on sale?
- In previous versions was the same, only instead of square, circle, circle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, directional up, circle and the analog era Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Circle, R1, directional left, triangle, circle and analog. Eliot
looked even more intently.
- Give him finally said cam .-Couch ntándose dropping to the ground control .- And you too ...
- Come uncle. The rematch .- Hardison said collecting ground control and offering a smile. Parker smiled looking from one to another waiting. Eliot
watched the two with a scowl. Finally he sighed running his hand through his hair.
- Okay. Now you'll finally find out .- accessed by removing the command of a tug Parker Hardison while making strange little noises applauded .- Now the trick is that you see what is right .- He went a little heard of Parker. - How was it? "Square else? Hardison
- Dude, that'll give you ...
had barely begun when they heard Nate's footsteps at the door.
- Childs recess was over. Hardison, come a moment.
- Right now? - Asked his eyes away from the screen a moment to look at Nate .- I'm busy. Can I have a minute?
A little cry of joy from Parker and the sound of the hands of his friends crashing in the air made to give a start.
- I think it will not make you lack the minute .- Nate said entering the room.
- What?
- Eliot has won .- Parker sang happily giving him for his victory.
- Yes, I won. And shit square, circle, spiral and no more ...
Hardison watched them still hold the control opening and closing the mouth.
- Boys, Sophie urged work .- enter the room with coffee. Parker
Eliot rose from the couch while she hummed a song of victory and Eliot put his arm around her shoulders. Meanwhile, Hardison was standing with the remote in hand.
- Eh! That was cheating. I was not looking .- cried following the games but his friends made him no attention .- I want a rematch. If not, I can not sleep tonight.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Before And After Images Brazilian Wax Table fandoms: # 26: The big bang theory - "The verification of the theory of Kiss"

Fandom: The big bang theory
Title: checking theory
kissing Warnings: No
Characters: Penny, Sheldon, Sheldon / Penny
Summary: Sheldon need someone to check theory and Penny is your best choice ...
Notes: The fic does not have spoilers. Situated in a future that is not with Penny Leonard.


toc toc toc
* * Penny

toc toc toc * * Penny

toc toc toc * *

Penny Penny rolled her eyes and letI was flipping through the magazine on the couch. Could not call Sheldon as a normal person? Opening the door she found him with a cake and a notebook.
- Cake? - Answers provided. Penny took it.
- What is it, Sheldon?
- I'm testing a theory and need your help. You are the most appropriate subject for the experiment.
- Experiment?
- Do not worry, not dangerous. The only tool I need is this notebook, which as you can see, does not involve any danger. Perhaps the pen ...
- Ya, Sheldon. I get it ... - interrupted, stepping aside to spend Sheldon .- All right, passes and you tell me where I can help.
- voluntarily agree? Genial .- he saidbeginning to scratch pad. Penny
stood on tiptoes trying to see what he wrote.
- And what is the experiment? - Asked by failing to read anything.
- Let's kiss .- Sheldon said quietly.
- Aha ... What?
- Oh, it was something stupid. A colleague spoke of his relationship with his girlfriend and the conversation has ended in a discussion about whether the duration of kisses influences that causes pleasurable sensations. I am of the opinion that it is stupid. A kiss is a kiss no matter what lasts. It's like saying that a stone is harder or that water is wet more as time goes by. - Penny had told him that a kiss was the least like a stone that was happening in that momentum had he not been so cold. He opened his mouth, but Sheldon went on .- Then I challenged the experiment we are about to perform. We'll kiss five times for 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 seconds and in this notebook I will write down my impressions. Now, as I presume you've washed your teeth, we can start.
Sheldon went to his face but Penny reacted and jumped.
- Wow, wait. Really this is serious? - Asked putting distance between them.
- Sure. It gave me a scientific challenge that I was obliged to accept.
- But why me? Sheldon
thought for a moment.
- mainly because you are a woman. You are my friend makes you the best option and that you mi neighbor makes the path to your home is the shortest. Your health is reasonable and you are the sexiest woman I know. Ergo, you are the best option. Penny
not get over his astonishment. Sheldon seemed so determined ... Also, he was right. They were friends. And it was Sheldon. If Howard would not do or crazy, but Sheldon was not so bad. Might make it please help. And it was the first time he had said it was attractive in months ...
- OK .- agreed at last coming back to Sheldon .- What I have to do?
before finishing the sentence, Sheldon stamped him a quick kiss that even saw it coming and said something in the notebook.
- Going for three-second kiss .- a timer activating said. It was a moment so
Penny surreal just realized that Sheldon had become a kiss, this time for a few seconds. Ended before he knew it and God knew scored again in the book, this time muttering something like "Interesting." Penny blinked a few times. I was not happy being so difficult experiment.
- This time last five seconds .- he said dropping the pen and setting the timer.
She nodded. I was not really being as uncomfortable as she had thought. This time was more aware that Sheldon had approached her and had started to kiss her. I was thinking that was not bad when Sheldon suddenly broke and rewrote. Penny swallowed and cleared his throat.
- NeNeed some drink some water or something? - he asked quietly as if to kiss her in her classroom was the most normal thing in the world.
- No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
- Wonderful. I guess you can be more than ten seconds without breathing.
- Your "I stammered yes .-
- Great, because this will be a little longer.
-A-ha ...
Sheldon this time put his hands around her waist to draw her instead of approaching him. Penny went unopposed. He had to admit I really liked kissing. He did not know at what point the experiment was over but was responding to his kisses standing on tiptoe, his hands around the neck of Sheldon and more eager than you might expect. ApparentlySheldon spent ten seconds because it was removed, this time less sharply than before.
- Curious ... - said even with his hands on the waist without leaving Penny and her .- Very curious. He released hit
making Penny almost lost his balance and scored again. This time he wrote much more than the previous times. Penny tried to streamline the time but could not. The only thing I could think of was that he was willing to let go of the damn notebook Sheldon.
- We're almost done .- Penny nodded .- This time, as will be 20 seconds, if either of them needs to breathe, we will be apart for a moment to catch your breath and follow. Okay?
Penny nodded again. Sheldon approached her again.
- Wait. Do you mind if we sit on the couch? It hurts a bit the neck by the height difference.
- You're right. To me is starting to hurt his back .- He took her hand sitting both on the couch after the magazine away .- Much better. Let's start.
This time it was Penny who almost threw up Sheldon. Supposedly it was only an experiment, but it was more real than Penny had experienced in his life. Her lips seemed to fit perfectly and Sheldon's hands had a lifetime on the hips of Penny. Somehow, Sheldon and Penny was lying on the clock was on the floor. When he could no longer stand without breathing, Penny had no choice but to separate a few inches.
- Wow ... - he whispered without moving.
- Yes ...
- Where?
- What?
Timer - Is ...? Ah! - Penny tentatively reached out to the floor without making a move to join and that Sheldon did not either. Finally he found .- 42 seconds.
- 42? Damn ... - murmured incorporated. Penny sniffed and straightened hair .- The experiment has been damaged. Now I have to start from scratch.
- Since the beginning? - She said smiling.
- Yes - said he collected his things and not looking at her .- But it will be another day. Given the state of my hormones, I would be now impossible to start from scratch.
Penny laughed. I never heard expressedyes.
- You do not mind helping me again? The truth is that data collected today I used to get an idea, but would demonstrate that I am right and I prefer not to try again properly before admitting I'm wrong.
- No, I do not care.
- Wonderful. See you later at home for dinner. Today is Chinese food .- said before leaving the floor. Penny could swear he smiled before leaving.

Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Built A Floor In Aluminum Boat A solar system history

Medellín, October 2009

Solar System History

The story we tell, regarding the origin of the system solar is the most accepted by the international scientific community, but its acceptance is not unanimous. Based on Big Bang theory, which has not unanimity among scientists.

is assumed that the embryonic process of the solar system began about 8000 million a & ntilde; years. Had already elapsed between 5000 and 6000 million years since there was the big explosion that gave birth to time and space.

is difficult to pinpoint the origin of the Solar System. Scientists believe it can stand for about 4500 million years. Ie the training process took the difference between 8000 and 4500 million years that is 3500 million years. Laplace's theory, a huge cloud of gas and dust is contracted due to gravity and began to spin at high speed, probably due to the explosion of a nearby supernova.It is further believed that this supernova enriched gas and dust cloud with many heavy elements not found in the cloud that formed during the supernova explosion.

Figure 1

http://www. / solar / formasistema.htm

is estimated that this cloud was between 7000 and 20000 AU and most of the material accumulated in the center.

The tag before receiving the effect of the supernova was relatively fríay its mass was slightly higher than the mass of the Sun If today is called the Sun's mass Mo, the cloud would to a mass of 1.1 Mo.

The gravitational collapse was accumulating material in the center and the pressure became so high that the atoms began to split, releasing energíay first forming a protostar. At the same tiempo is going to define some eddies, which grew, increased in severity and collected more material in each round, until eventually our Sun was formed

This concentration process subject in the center of the cloud, called gravitational collapse. The star was formed as we know it, makes about 4500 million years.

also had many collisions. Million objects approached and joined or clashed violently and broke into pieces. The predominant building meetings and in just 100 million a & about girls, I purchased a similar appearance to the present. After each body continued its own evolution.

The Sun has 99.8% of the mass of the solar system, while 0.2% have planets. However, only only 1% of the angular momentum of the system. These data are important when explaining the formation, both the Sun and planets and other bodies.

There are several theories about planet formation. Either it should clarify why the inner planets are small and rocky, because & eacute, the outer planets are gaseous giants.

When we were in the period of the protostar, prior to the formation of the Sun, it is assumed that the refractory materials are concentrated in the center of it, while the gas surrounding the protostar and the cloud lost a lot of size. And their diameter was around the 10000 UA, but had made hundreds of astronomical units.

The protostar became a star when, by the high temperatures at its center, began the procthat fusion of hydrogen into helium. That was about 4500 million years and this is the age of our Sun The process continues today and is the source of all energy that today we received the sun.

Nebula theory has taken a long boom due to the observation of similar processes in young stars surrounded by dense disks of dust, to be slowing. By concentrating the majority of mass in the center, the outdoor pieces, and separate least slow down, thereby increasing the difference in speed.

Rocky planets

With the densest matter in the center of the cloud, the inner zone and near the protosun, condensed as solids the heavier elements such as mineral silicates, consisting of magnesium, silicon, iron and oxygen. This was the raw material was used to form the four rocky or terrestrial planets that are closer to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, through a long process of accretion of matter clumping or . The protoplanetary disk was becoming increasingly blurred and por action of the forces of gravity came to form rocky planets.

This process of concentration of matter and formation of rocky bodies, getting bigger, it must have been slow. By gravity, the larger bodies experienced a mass increase of an unbridled way, attracting smaller surrounding objects, to form even larger bodies. When these objects reach diameters near 1 km, are called planetesimals. Thus, the formation of rocky planets from planetesimals became increasingly m &; Aacute; s great. The ongoing clashes between the latter were forming the 4 rocky planets we know today, like the asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter, who never managed to form a fifth rocky planet, because tidal forces of Jupiter, the giant planet in our solar system.

The history of rocky planets, including Earth, was chaotic and very violent. After 10 million years ago the planets had reached almost its final size, but over the next 100 million, a bombardment of planetesimals of stature, with its accompanying load & ntilde; to matter and energy came to them. This bombardment of planetesimals has continued since then, but increasingly less often. Geologists believe the last major clash occurred 65 million years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, which produced a crater 300 km in diameter : On this great impact has been much speculation since he attributed the extinction of the dinosaurs.

gas giants

There's an interesting fact about the timing of planet formation. We said that the belt of asteroids formed fifth rocky planet, the gravity of Jupiter. This implies that the formation of the gas giant was simultaneous with that of the rock, or as seems more logical, it was before.

protosun A greater distance, temperatures tend to be lower. In this area dominated the chemical composition of the original solar nebula, with an abundance of light gases hydrogen and helium,very little of other gases like methane (CH 4 ), ammonia (NH 3 ) and nitrogen (N 2 ), some heavy elements and simple compounds ice (such as methane, ammonia and water) .

Jupiter and Saturn were formed primarily from hydrogen and helium and small amounts of heavy elements, while Uranus and Neptune, and includes these components, incorporated equivalent amounts of ice. This raw material formed large Jovian planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, all of them occupying 0.13% of the mass of the original solar nebula.

The gigbefore gas are 99.5% of the planetary mass and Jupiter alone has 71% of it.

The Jovian planets are unlike the rocky planets. None of them has a solid surface. In addition, there is evidence that they contain, deep in their cores, rock material consisting of heavy elements common to the rocky planets. For example, Jupiter and Saturn, with masses 318 and 95 times greater than Earth's, respectively, have a rocky core occupying 17% and 28%, respectively, the diameter (or radius) . The remaining material in these planets are mostly hydrogen in liquid form. Temperature of the rocky cores are estimated respectively for the two planets, at 40000 and 20000 º º C. Uranus and Neptune have similar conditions.

The rest of the solar system is composed of the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.

beyond Neptune, in an area farther from the Sun and cooler, are the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud . Telescopic observations have confirmed the existence of numerBears icy planetesimals. These bands contain more than 200 million objects with diameters significant. This set of bodies is called Kuiper Belt. Pluto, which was a planet until 2006, is one of the largest objects that are part of the Kuiper Belt, even though it's smaller than our moon.

The presence of all this solid matter dispersed, extending beyond Pluto, is consistent with telescopic observation & amp; oacute; bites of great records, which are associated with the birth of stars like our sun in other parts of the universe.

Beyond the Kuiper belt, there is even more remote area, with objects on which the sun exerts gravitational force. By its gravitational influence many of the icy planetesimals in their environment were really thrown into interstellar space, unable to return to the Solar System. Some, however, did not leave, but were in highly eccentric orbits and distant from the Sun The Oort Cloud , extends as far away as an a & amp; about girls, or sunlight Occasionally, some of the objects residing in this cloud, revisited our Solar System Planetarium in the form of comets, long period, such as Halley's comet.

Therefore, we can say that the gravitational influence of the Sun, extending to distances close to one (1) al. The nearest star to the Sun is called Proxima Centauri and is about 4.2 to our system.

short: The solar system as it stands today has three stripes well differentiatedgums. The innermost, corresponding to the planets, from Mercury to Neptune. The Kuiper belt, where there are many large and small objects, Pluto being the most important, there are many others of a similar Sizeand.

Finally, beyond the Kuiper belt is the Oort cloud, a vast area inhabited by many comets with highly eccentric orbits, some of whom visit the solar system some frequency and some of which collide with planets or against the Sun

radio is thought of Influenceia gravity of the solar system is 1 to, so that its diameter would be 2 al.

Note: 1 AU = 149'600, 000 km

1 Parsec = UA 206,246.00

1 light year = 1 to = 0.3066 Parsec = UA 63,235.00

Juan Fernando Sanin