Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dog Flu More Condition_symptoms Possible scenarios in Colombia and the world, due to Obama victory


Obama's electoral triumph can be seen as a cosmic signal, that however many bad things that happen in our time, the barriers of racism is No crumbling. This seems true even in a country where, when Obama was born, there were special schools for blacks in many places were not allowed to enter and in many states, and hese should stand in the bus, and had seats available.

Although this message has been positive cosmological, it is prudent hacer a more specific readings related to the outcome of presidential elections in the U.S. last November 4, 2008.

The first reading is at the international level, which I notice there are two possible scenarios for the years 2009 and 2010. On the one hand, it is likely that North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Ecuador, nobly extended hand to whom they are being offered from the position of greatest power on Earth, or instead, choose to measure oil to the new president, ie front, to see how one reacts to attacks against U.S. or against American interests who have been traditionallyentity friends.

The first scenario is not impossible, but its probability is very high, as past experience with former President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat consummate good guy, nobel peace prize, was contrary to what is proposed as a positive scenario. During the administration of Jimmy Carter, who nobly held out his hand, looking for world peace, opposing many of the actors strongly attacked the U.S. and Israel. As an example remember the hostage crisis in Iran, only resolved when Ronald Reagan took office and with his iron hand, decided to solve it, using force. .

is likely that some of the pa & iacute; Arab countries that are enemies of the U.S., do not understand the message of this eleccióny then decide to attack Israel and other U.S. interests in the Middle East. Likewise, North Korea could attack South Korea or at least increase its uranium enrichment projects for military purposes.

On the side of South America, in this negative scenario, we would expect an attack against Chavez in Colombia and try to invade the North Santander and Guajira, on which he has preached in the recent past, which are Venezuelan territory. No mistake in that regard that part of Ch marginallyou, once you teníaa Colombia, was real or fictitious support of the United States, headed by President George Bush, in the case of a possible confrontation. Correa also could repeat in the south of San Andres Ortega Paisy. And what's worse, everyone in sheaf. It would be a measure of oil to the new president, to see how it reacts and for your strength and determination ..

trust the wisdom of these neighbors and are not going to produce a local comparison, based on the outcome of presidential elections in the U.S.. Confrontation whose end result would be unpredictable.

In Colombia, in economic terms, we are not illusions. Chances are that there will be no free trade agreement. Given the downturn in the U.S. economy will not be solved by magic, by the fact that Obama has won the presidency, all FTAs are contrary to the interests of decent jobs on U.S. soil. An FTA with Colombia, would facilitate the investment of American capital in the country, in manufacturing, such as automobiles, which is in serious economic problems, as low wages here, the Like the cheaper raw material, offset the major inversion and therefore would be very attractive to American entrepreneurs, but not for American workers.

We can not believe any politician, whatever their party or trend, anywhere in the world, without giving it a suitable sieve. U.S. Democrats have not opposed the FTA with Colombia, because here human rights are violated or are persecuted trade unionists. That is the workhorse. It is a discourse, it is argued, but that does not feel the heart between them. The real reason for opposition to the FTA is the recession in the U.S. economy and employment protection Norteam & eacute, rich.

lines are confused in reading the triumph of Obama. Interestingly he won in majority-white states or where racism has never been stronger. In contrast, in almost all southern states, which was where racism was more uncompromising: Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky, McCain won.

I return to the pessimistic scenario, now in the U.S.. Is likely to be revived while Kuklus Klan, blacks, now in power and the supposed protection of a legitimate state, create your own black Klan. Scenario malo, and dangerous not only for peace in the U.S., but can extend to many other parts. So it seems a sign of unity and respect and collapse of racism, could lead to a reaction of a new international racism or neo-Nazism.

Juan Fernando Sanin


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