Before judgmental, understand what was the relationship of Mary Stuart with the kingdoms of England and Scotland and we must remember the Private Life of Henry VIII or EnriqueTudor.
Mary Stuart was born & oacute, in the Linlithgow Palace in Scotland, December 8 of 1542, the youngest of 3 children but only survivor of King James V of Scotland C HTMLXC and Mary of Guise.
Henry VIII ascended the throne of England in 1509 and James V of Scotland was the first in the line of succession of Henry VIII, because they were cousins and the family was not very fertile Tudor This, in the case that Henry would not have offspring. If these hypothetical conditions James V died first Henry VIII, Mary Stuart was the rightful successor to the throne of England. The problemThe problem is that if Henry had children.
briefly recall the marital love life of Henry.
1. Catherine of Aragon (16 December 1485 - 7 January 1536 ). Was the youngest daughter of Reyes Catholic , Isabel I of Castile and CH TMLXC Ferdinand II of Aragon . It was the first wife of Henry VIII. After the death of Arthur, Prince of Wales , her first husband at the same time, Henry's older brother, this is by order of his father, took her as his wife . Catherine gave a girl Enrique ( Mary I of England ), but none of the boys who had survived childhood. Henry, requested approval of the pope to annul the marriage, arguing that she could not conceive sons and he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn. Catalystna died on January 7, 1536 at age 50 in Kimbolton Castle, was buried in Peterborough Abbey.
Anne Boleyn, Marchioness of Pembroke, ( 1501 - 19 May 1536 ) was the second wife of Henry, and mother of Isabel , derogatorily called by Catholics "The bastard." She was crowned Queen Consort in 1533 , and after the birth of Princess Elizabeth, could notagain have a successful pregnancy. He was falsely accused and arrested for adultery , incest, and any other reason to enable Henry to marry and procreate with any other legitimate male heirs, was beheaded. Before his death he joked to the executioner, will not give you much work, I have very thin neck. It's in the chapel of St. Peter ad-Link, the Tower of London, close to her cousin and the king's fifth wife Henry VIII Catherine Howard
Jane Seymour (c. 1508 - 24 October 1537 ) was the third wife of Henry, who was attracted to her when she was a lady in waiting Anne Boleyn. He gave his only male heir, Edward, but Jane died 12 days after birth due to a fever . . She is buried in Windsor Castle. Regardless of the short time he lived with Henry, we can say that was the love of his life. CHTML XC
Anne of Cleves (September 22, 1515 - July 16, 1557) was the fourth wife, for only six months, from January 6 to 9 July 1540 . Also known as "the Flanders mare" for his unattractive physical, obtained the annulment of their marriage by declaring that he had not been consummated.
(1520 or CHT 1525 MLXC - 13 February 1542 ) was the fifth wife, between 1540 and 1542. He was too young to Ely also very flirtatious. After the annulment of marriage, was beheaded in the Tower London. She is buried near the grave of her cousin, Anne Boleyn.
(c. 1512 - 7 September 1548 ) was the sixth and last wife of Henry VIII, and the only I survived & oacute;. Has gone down in history as the queen of England who was married more times, and he had four husbands in total, of which Henry VIII was the third. After the king's death, she married Thomas Seymour, uncle of Edward VI of England .
Edward VI, as the first Protestant monarch England. With only nine years old, it could not power itself, which went to a regency council consisting of sixteen members elected by the will of Henry VIII. The council chose Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset and Jane's older brother as Lord Protector of the kingdom. In the event that Edward had no children, would be succeeded by the daughter of CatAragóny alina of Henry VIII, Mary Tudor. If this in turn had no offspring to inherit the royal crown the daughter of Anne Boleyn, Isabel. Finally, if Elizabeth died childless, would be succeeded by Mary Stuart, cousin of King Henry VIII or their descendants. " (1)
James Hamilton, Earl of Arran II as the next in line to the throne and regent of the kingdom during the minority of the Queen. This situation lasted until 1554 , when Mary's mother, Mary of Guise, he comes to power, continuing as regent until his own death in 1560. Six months after his birth in July of 1543, the Greenwich treaties CH TMLXC Mary Stuart promised in marriage to Edward, son of King Henry VIII of England , deciding that the wedding was held in llevaríaa 1552 , and that his heirs would occupy the thrones of Scotland and England.
September 10 of 1547, known as " Black Sabbath," the Scottishwere defeated by Henry in the battle of Pinkie Cleugh . Mary of Guise, fearful for the safety of her daughter sent her to France. The new French king, Henry II now proposing to unite France and Scotland by marrying the little Queen to his newborn son, the dauphin Francis. This seemed to Mary of Guise, the only solution to all their troubles. The August 7 C HTMLXC 1548, the French fleet sent by Henry II, he returned back to France from Dumbarton, brought the little Queen of Scots, 5 years old get . Mary of Guise and her daughter Mary Stuart will not ever meet again.
Life of Mary Stuart was intense since birth. A year after becoming queen of France, her husband dies and the French did not recognize her as queen. He was only 18 years old and had been Queen of Scotland and France, but a queen of make believe, because little could exercise its authority and taste the delicacies to be prevailing in those periods.
Mary Stuart returned to Scotland and was accepted as CHTML reigns
of 1561. Religion had divided the people, and the illegitimate brother of Mary, James Stewart, Earl of Moray, was the leader of the Protestant faction. Mary, a devout Catholic, was supported by English Catholics and look with suspicion by Elizabeth I , a cousin of his father and king of the neighboring Protestant country. To the disappointment of the Catholic party, Mary did not take firm to take the case cgruel. Tolerated the Protestant order established and supported his half-brother, the Earl of Moray, as his chief adviser. In this, the queen had to acknowledge their lack of effective military control before the Protestant lords. Even agreed, on the advice of James of Moray, the implementation of the principal noble Catholic Scotland
. The July 29 of 1565 in pHolyrood straightening , unexpectedly married Mary Henry Stuart, Duke of Albany, known as Lord Darnley, descended as she King Henry VII of England and cousin. This union, with a leading Catholic leaders, rushed to the half brother of Mary, the Earl of Moray, to organize with other Protestant Lords in open revolt
Marriage to Darnley no fuand successful. Had a son whom they named as James, double suction to the thrones of Scotland and England, Darnley kinship with Henry VIII. Darnley, who promoted a rebellion against Mary, was murdered and Mary's contemporaries pointed to it as the determinadota of his death, although this was never proven.
then be acting even Queen of Scotland, was abducted
. The May 6 returned to Edinburgh and the day May 15 at the Palace of Holyrood, were married in a Protestant ceremony. The nobility turned against Maria and Bothwell and raised an army against them. The newlyweds were faced with the Lords in
the June 15, but in the end there was no battle, because Mary agreed to comply with its orders, the condition securcute, n let him go to Bothwell. The nobles broke his promise and took her to Edinburgh, and imprisoned in the castle Loch Leven is situated on an island in the center of Loch Leven. Among the 18 and July 24 of 1567 , Mary suffered an abortion twin in that castle. Finally, the July 24, she was forced to abdicate the thronekick for his son James, barely a year old.
Once concreted the abdication, Mary flees to England without her son, who probably never see again no more and took refuge there . Three days after arriving, was captured by the British army on May 19, 1568.
As we recall, to date, Elizabeth had no children and Mary Stuart was the successor to the English throne, in case of death of Elizabeth.
Much of Catholic Europe reconocíaa not Isabel, "the bastard" as Queen of England, especially because during his rule took shape the schism with the Catholic Church for good. This made Isabel look askance at his cousin Mary, whom he regarded as a conspirator.
Elizabeth had several attacks, some of them ordered from the Vatican, perhaps by the Pope himself. It is likely that Mary did not have to see or to those attacks, norin any conspiracy against Elizabeth, but all the circumstantial evidence pointed towards it.
the end, after nineteen years (19) in captivity, February 8, 1587 was beheaded by order of Elizabeth, after many trials against . Even before death was declared to be persecuted and martyred Catholic.
taught to us as children, that Mary Stuart was a martyr of the Catholic faith and was v & iacute; STEM wicked, bloody and murderous, the bastard, Elizabeth I of England. It really was not. Mary, during his short reign in Scotland, although he was Catholic, was indifferent to the Protestants. Moreover, his third marriage to a Protestant, the Protestant rite. So the facts show that his Catholicism was not the maximum value from your life. By contrast, true or false, the circumstantial facts during his captivity in England, accused of conspiracy against Elizabeth. Even his enemies accused him of instigating the attacks against Elizabeth, because as you know, when Elizabeth died, Mary would be a great benefit.
Finally Mary was beheaded and the time Elizabeth I died without having children. Elizabeth's successor was James, the son of Mary Stuart, who has reigned in Scotland and since then was also king of England.
Mary Stuart was Queen of Scotland and France. He aspired to the kingdoms of England and Ireland and ambition circumstances led to a prison in England and his subsequent execution, not for being Catholic, but his ambition for maluck, because all the circumstantial facts to it as conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth I of England.
The Catholic Church has attempted to Mary Stuart at the altar, but if you read carefully the document is not seen as a very convinced Catholic, according to their performances. Mary Stuart was not a saint nor a demon. It was a human being with faults and qualities, rather unlucky in politics, however being born with every advantage. Nor can we judge a priori Elizabeth. The story goes that she, though I never personally met her cousin, avoidrunning for many years, until his case was untenable by the evidence of conspiracy, that's true or not, pointing to Mary Stuart.
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