Title: Blocking thoughts.
Warnings: None . No spoilers.
Characters: Toby / Charlie
was barely eight when Charlie Marks saw him through the door looking around. "No, not so early," he thought.
Notes: After so long, come back with a fic. Fandom again. Minor new fandom. Fic dedicated especially to
was barely eight when Charlie Marks saw him through the door looking around. "No, not so early," he thought.
- Sorry, Charlie. said to reach its height .- Come, I invite you to a cafe to compensate ... - Toby leaned on the desk smiling. Charlie grimaced. In the academy does not teach you to block your thoughts to telepaths. He grabbed his jacket back of the chair and followed him to the exit.
- What about Oz? - Asked in the street after noticing the absence of companion Toby. Umm ...
-free day .- replied absently pace or slightly behind, leaving Charlie.
Charlie's eyes narrowed. Sometimes pay por know I thought Toby Logan. As at that very moment in which, with his hands in his pockets and hunched with cold, waiting their turn next to the coffee stand watching everyone who passed. Looking at their eyes ... ...
Charlie's eyes blinked suddenly. "Do not think about that now!" Almost shouted in his mind. Toby
turned sharply.
- What? - Asked.
-Nothing .- she said Toby taking the coffee offered.
"In something you should be thinking when you cried briefly. Something I did not want to hear .- Toby stopped and picking up Charlie by the arm, stood before her. Do not let go.
.- It was not anything said trying to ignore the proximity of Toby .- "God, do not know what is the space personal? "
Toby smiled and moved closer. Charlie rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation. "It's nothing
Toby. Just a fleeting thought about my private life that you do not mind .- said breaking out of touch of his hand on his arm .- Well, do we work or not? - Asked folding his arms.
Toby smiled that little smile as his, so naughty, so childish. That which made it even more eyes light up. The one that made any girl shaking her legs.
"Not really. Like I said, today is my day off. But I wanted to say hello. Buy you a coffee. Verte. Charlie
slightly opened mouth and licked his lips while his eyes narrowed. Toby had not been away from it in absolutemourning. In fact, I could swear he was even closer. God, it was difficult not to think what he really thought.
-A detail on your part .- .- But he finally today is my day off. I have to work .- Charlie turned his back. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed imperceptibly. He raised his hand that held the cup of Starbucks showing it to Toby .- Thanks for the coffee .- shouted as he walked away. Toby
watched her walk away, still smiling, hands in his pockets turned on itself shuffling.
"I hiding something ... I do not want to know what you think ... - murmured, smiling as he walked in the opposite direction to which it had been Charlie.
only when they felt safe at the police station, senTada at his desk, still with traces of coffee in the cup, Charlie dare to think what they both strove to hide.
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