Physics and Chemistry: Facts or Fiction
Note 2.
To start, let's see how to calculate the distance from Earth (or Sun, because in practice it is the same) to a given star. The method used is that of triangulation. Estrela is observedAnoy the one day of determining the angle \u0026lt;ST1E. Then, six (6) months, located in T2, we measured the angle \u0026lt;ST2E ..
If we do this, will form a triangle in which we know the length of the base, two (2) AU (astronomical units) (3). and the two adjacent angles. In Euclidean geometry, called the two base angles, calculate the angle \u0026lt;T1ET2 and the triangle is perfectly determined. The angle \u0026lt;T1ET2 / 2 is called parallax, and is measured in seconds and we call p.
OE distance determined by the formula:
d = 206269 / p (AU) ; p in seconds.
The apparent diameter of the star is the angle of the star as seen from Earth. With the distance and apparent diameter are the actual diameter of each star or stellar object.
real D = D aparentex CHTMLDistancia/206 XC, 269 In the same units of d.
With the actual diameter can estimate the volume of the star. Spectral analysis radicacions or light emitted by each star, we can determine which are the predominant chemical elements in the star and a roughly determine the mass of it.
The analysis of light through electromagnetic emission spectrum to determine, in an approximate way, the composition of the star, nebula or galaxy.
The atomic emission spectrum of an element is a set of frequencies electromagnetic waves issued by atoms of that element. Each spectrum atomic emission of an atom is unique and can be used to determine if that element is part of an unknown compound.
As this is a fairly complex subject, say only that the Electromagnetic Spectrum is a set of waves ranging from the waves with longer and " waves radio " even those with shorter length as the " Gamma Rays." It is important to note that waves with longer wavelengths are less frequent and vice versa. The characteristic of each type of wave is not only their wavelength, but their frequency and energy.
Figure 2. Electromagnetic spectrum.
Figure two (2) indicates that the type of light received, we can also estimate the temperature of the emitting object. Similarly, the Atomic emission spectrum of an element is a set of frequencies electromagnetic waves emitted by atoms of that element. Each spectrum atomic emission of an atom is unique and can be used to determine if that element is part of an unknown compound.
The emission spectrum characteristics of some elements are clearly visible to the naked eye when theseelements are heated. For example, when a platinum wire is dipped in a solution of strontium nitrate and is then introduced into a flame, the strontium atoms emit red. Similarly, when copper is introduced into a flame, it becomes light blue. These characterizations can identify certain elements by their atomic emission spectrum.
The qualitative analysis of various elements: metallic and nonmetallic is one of the most sensitive methods known in the identification of elements. Record the spectrumor emission of the sample and compared with the spectrum element pattern that we suspect may be present.
All this shows us, as the analysis of light received by the telescopes that record not only visible light, but the rest of waves of the electromagnetic spectrum, reveals many properties of the object observed. Therefore known distances to the stars, its actual diameter, its composicióny temperature, we can determine its mass and thus build in a virtual model of the universe, not only dand its geometry, but its composition.
One question that arises from this small approximation to quantify the universe is: how accurate are these measurements, what is the mistake made in these analyzes ; analysis and therefore, how reliable is the model of the universe that we are delivering computers and is widespread, not only the scientific community but to the general public with programs that the universe has been producing the Discovery and History Channel, which incidentally, are my favorites?.
The human scale of time is very short. It is estimated that human civilization is only 10,000 years. In this computer model are handled amazing distances. Say for example that the Milky Way has an actual diameter of 100,000 light years. That is 100,000 light years (3) . We will try to explain this easily. The escape velocity of Earth, which is one of the highest attained by our civilization is 11 km / sec. Only she can throw a projectile spaceship or rocket, so you can leave the gravitational field of Earth. To scroll to 100.000 about girlse; I light of the Milky Way, at this rate, we would take 2700 million years. And the Milky Way is only the beginning of the universe. Travel to the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri , which is 4.2 light years, would take a while to 113.000 years, or 11 civilizations.
I'm really skeptical of the strength and accuracy of all data on the model of the universe, since these distances, despite the existence of a powerful telescope and spectrographs technology giant ; to-edge, top secret, managed byNASA, the margin of error must be very large, perhaps astronomical. So to extrapolate a scale as more than human, may be close to fantasy. No one can neither confirm nor contradict the model that has created the universe, because our life is less than a whisper in a cosmic time scale.
footnote 2 Finally, remember that until now has said that our virtual model of the universe is static and timeless. If we introduce the laws of mechanics and thermodynamics will become a model din á Economic and temporary, which among other things tells us who have spent 13.000 billion years since the initial explosion or big bang. May our solar system has about 4500 million years old. That in 4500 millions of years, our solar system will die and one billion in about our Earth and will be uninhabitable by the high temperature. There is an invisible energy that the universe is expanding, meaning that all distant galaxies are moving away
As there are many things that the temporal dynamic model can not explain, in addition marginallI, s for distances and times, scientists have had to rely on the existence of foreign objects, such as matter and dark energy. Which we will address in the following notes ..
Juan Fernando Sanin E
(3) An AU is the distance IDay the Earth to the Sun: 149 million km. A light year is the distance a beam of light travels at 300.000 km / s for a year, equivalent to 9.4x10 17 km
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