Title: not go
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1x14 guess ...
Characters: Damon / Elena
Summary: Damon has returned to Mystic Falls Katherine Ellen reacting in unexpected ways.
Notes: The characters are LJ Smith and Warner, but this fic is dedicated to course
Elena Little did he imagine that Damon would return so quickly. Barely a few weeks since he left and had not even been able to assimilate at all what happened during their last meeting. Had not told anything and that Stefan him greatly. It was like wearing a neck chain to clench more each time Stefan smiled and held his hand and threatened to choke every time he kissed her. Damon would have liked to take longer to return - but really miss him - and certainly had not expected, calling at the door of Stefan, which opened outside Katherine.
was like looking in a mirror. Elena had seen an old photo, but it was not the same as actually have her ahead. The only difference was the hair: the Katherine was curly and maybe shorter. It did not seem surprised to find it. On the contrary. Rather it was that expected.
- Without a doubt, you must be the famous Elena .- the vampire seemed to find the situation very funny. Elena, remaking after a few seconds, took the proffered hand.
- And you must be the legendary Katherine - he whispered sharply.
- Please, I'm Kate now.
Elena managed to stammer something until he ask for Stefan. Katherine allowed him to pass and said that Stefan was in her room. Elena climbed the stairs two by dos. She was in her room half-hysterical. As was natural, did not make him any grace the presence of Katherine in Mystic Falls. Elena just listening. I could not help thinking that if he returned Katherine, Damon also was due to return and do not know if I was ready for. Fortunately or unfortunately, did not have much time to get used to it: Damon coughed on his back doing that again Elena snapped. Damon shook his head slightly backward.
- Girl, you look like a shampoo commercial. If I become closer to you, let me eyed.
- Fortunately, you do not have it be near her .- said Stefan. Elena looked down but could feel the eyes of Damon in it, daring to go against Stefan. Thisba sure he knew that he had not said anything.
- I have to go .- .- Enough said finally have here. I guess you'll have plenty to talk about.
- No, not really said Damon .- .- Everything is said. Tomorrow Katherine and I left the village permanently.
"Definitely ..." The word rang in her ears like a gong. Is it going forever? He looked up and looked into his eyes, forgetting that Stefan was also in the room.
- Are you going?
- we go .- had highlighted the "us" .- Stefan does not want us here.
- It is Katherine who does not want you here .- defended.
- throw me out it is like to me. If Kate does not want in your home, we're both. I will not let go now that I discoverdo.
Elena turned her head. Understood. Sure. Damon took over a hundred years looking for Katherine. She helped him find it. And he realized that now would not let go. So why did it hurt? Why he wanted to kick Katherine to the state if needed?
left the room without another word and leaned against the hallway wall fighting the tears that threatened to leave. What else? Damon had gone in search of Katherine and found it. Does that after the kiss - their kisses - he realized that it was she who really wanted? He had no right to expect anything. It was the girlfriend of his brother. It was Stefan who wanted. Stefan! Perhaps what hurt so muchwas felt that what happened two weeks earlier had happened only because of its resemblance to Katherine and do not really ever happened otherwise, but out and out, you should not mind so much ... She threw her head back slightly hitting the wall. Needed to talk to Damon alone. He knew he had no right to claim anything, but I had to know. What, was not very clear yet ... Damon
Leaving Stefan's room he found himself face Elena against the wall and watery eyes. Damon smiled. Elena distinguish between one hundred Katherines. His eyes glittered more and had a beautiful innocent smile. She looked at him and something in his expression is nervous. He, Damon Salvatore, nervous about the look of a child.
- I need to talk to you .- whispered .- When? Elena
words caught him off guard. He had expected to see relief at the news of his departure, that he had forgotten what happened during their last meeting or at least not to give any importance, but I would like to see him alone. He moved his lips "tonight" and Elena nodded before going down the stairs quietly.
was after ten when Damon came to the door of Elena, who should be waiting, because I just took a couple of seconds to open. After letting go, Damon sat on the couch while she took a seat beside him. Then silence. Whatever it was what Ellen wanted to discuss with him, did not know where to start. She kept the lookda fixed on her knees. He raised his head suddenly. Had to recognize that what was intrigued.
- Damon began at the end .- .- I do not want you to go.
That it does not expect it. Along the way he imagined what would the conversation. Imagined that Ellen would be justified by what happened last time and probably expected him to apologize for having taken the time or something. He laughed.
- That tell my brother, not me. It is he who lends us.
- It is you who does not want ...
Elena's voice sounded weak, as if to repent of his words even before saying them. Damon grabbed her chin forcing her to face him.
- not pretend that going to leave here just as Katherinebo to find it.
Elena looked down despite Damon kept secure.
- You're right. I can not ask that ... Damon
let go and stood up. She was getting nervous. Elena is running rings around whatever it was I wanted to say.
- Drop it at once. What did you want to talk to me?
- do not know. I guess I wanted to apologize for the last time .- now beginning to look more like what Damon had imagined .- I wanted to ask you not to say anything to Stefan, please. I want to be me who says so. The last sentence
head right off it completely.
- right how do you say?
- I want to be me who count. I'll do when you leave, so they would not be able to pay you and do not worry. Sand will tell as it happened and I do not look bad or anything.
- I have understood, but why are you going to do? Stefan much you will get mad. Elena, you might even leave you.
- I know .- answered fully determined after looking up and sink your eyes on Damon, who looked at her not knowing what to say.
- Are you telling me you're leaving to Stefan?
Elena rose from the couch and started pacing around the room.
- This has been an error. You should go ... I should not ask you to come ... not your fault and I have no right to ask anything ... I ...
Suddenly, Damon was at his side. Very close. Elena tried to turn, but Damon held her arm. Without pressure. It was more of a caress, but hadmore power to deter Ellen turned to the strongest of bonds. I was having from the beginning to say two words together, but at that moment, had lost the ability to say absolutely nothing. Damon needed to tell ...
- Do not, Helen. My brother deserves to be happy after what has happened and what I myself have been through.
- I will do more damage to be with someone who is falling for his brother to be alone.
be hated herself for saying that and even more because it was what I was wanting to say since that morning in the hallway. In fact, he hated and through too much, because he asked Damon to be, to feel how she felt, having to talk to Stefan about Damon fuKatherine was ... I wanted to apologize, telling Damon that he was sorry, but I was so close ...
all happened so fast you never even saw it coming. The next thing I knew was that Damon kissed her, just like that, without saying a word first. No laughing at her, not reject it, without reproach him that Katherine had already and did not need a brat like her. Just kiss her, slowly, as if time had slowed down if, in slow motion, as she was melting, and second to second was ignoring the problems, obstacles, perhaps the next day Damon was out with Katherine and she only would be a duty to tell the truth and Stefan likely a broken heart. There was only Damon, his kisses and caresses slow searchingthe skin under clothing.
But maybe, just maybe, the next day Katherine will leave alone and Damon will be there, holding her hand while trying to explain something even Stefan has yet clear, but desperately wants out.
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