Title: What is special about
Warnings: not think it has spoilers ... Although I do not think you understand if you have not seen the movies and / or series
Characters: John / Cameron. John Connor
Summary: lately Cameron says and does the most unexpected things ...
Notes: I will never be sufficiently grateful to James Cameron for "The Terminator" and "Terminator 2: The Judgement Day." For me the best of science fiction with "Star Wars" and was not sure about the series. But I ended up worshiping. Cameron is an incredible character we owe to the creator of the seriesand, like the development of John, which I also loved it.
This fic is going to
never think that the leader of the resistance is a terminator shippeable until you see this series and know Cameron.
's Not Easy Being John Connor. The pressure of being a future world leader joins that of an overprotective mother - or given the kind of thing that usually haunt, protective dry - and the continued presence of the most beautiful thing you've seenever. Call Cameron, his supposed sister, something may sound cruel but it is successful. Never called that before his mother or Derek, of course. Do not want them to begin to do so, but there are times when it repeats itself, as when he gets to take a walk around the house in underwear or when he lies beside her in bed. "It's just a machine" Sometimes Cameron does something that disturbs you, like changing the car stereo, dance, worrying about their clothes or look like any normal teenager ... But then again the machine appears. The machine that protects him from all others. Go ballot ... She did not ask. He himself sent to protect him. Why her? I would have preferred a big and strong like last time. Not to be so beautiful. Thatnot sit by his side to look at while you sleep ...
That morning there was nothing special. Derek was out as usual and go to know where Sarah had gone shopping or something. As had always stayed home. As always, had been with Cameron.
left the room when Cameron found watching television. There used to, but as of late was doing unexpected things, gave no importance. Moreover, he sat at his side. I was watching "Titanic"
- This movie is bad.
John laughed.
- What is wrong?
- They traveled on the Titanic. Jack and Rose. There are also many failures when physical ...
- Cameron, only a movie. She turned to look
le. Serious. As always.
- But it really happened. They should make films about things that happened in reality if not going to count well. John
laugh again.
- is a romantic movie. The historical accuracy is secondary.
- .- said I should not watch TV again .- The story is more important than a love story.
John shook his head, annoyed by the comment.
- Do not know how important it is love Cameron.
- Yes, I replied without looking at it .- .- It is very important. If love does not exist, you would not be here right now. If your parents had not wanted they would not have breeding and if you had the love of your mother you would not have protected his life many times.
- If the protectiontion is equivalent to love, you really love me .- John said with a touch between sarcasm and bitterness in his voice.
- Maybe yes.
John looked at her, but she kept her eyes fixed on the screen. He did the same. The film went an hour without Cameron showed signs of boredom as he often did when he tried to see one. Near the end, John turned to get up for a refresher Cameron was crying. He froze, not knowing how to react. I had no idea that the Terminators would mourn and less of a film. Suddenly, she turned her head and looked at him.
- It is very sad. Without further
looked back at the film. John got up and walked into the kitchen. I never imagined that Cameron would mourn, who havefeelings, which might be sad. "Mom is not going to believe this ..."
grabbed a soda and began drinking it sitting in the kitchen, thinking of Cameron. Not noticed approaching from behind.
- John, what is special about a kiss?
Poor John almost choked upon hearing his unexpected words. Recovering a little composure, laughed.
- A kiss is a sign of affection. Demonstrate that people want.
- But there are people kissing and does not want ... I've seen.
John River further.
- But they like. Attract. Sexually.
Cameron seemed more confused than before. Stepped forward and John did not know whether to laugh or run.
- I can understand the sign of love. Love exists. I seeevery day. But understand that sexual attraction.
"I can not believe this is happening," thought John. Cameron looked so confused and so beautiful ... John swallowed hard and smiled.
- I guess you can not. It is something that is not understood but it feels like. Here .- said touching his chest. Cameron put her hand on his.
- You're wrong. Feelings are not in the heart. But here .- said putting his other hand on the neck .- It is the brain that falls and is the order trasnmite heart beating faster. As yours does now.
John cleared his throat but did not move. She either.
- Anyway, it is useless trying to explain your feelings to someone who does not feel.
- Yes I'm sorry, John. I feel the cold,heat, wind, distinguish tastes, smells. I like music, film, art. I'm supposed to feel something that feels more than a stone but not ...
Cameron's words were completely misplaced. Do not know what to say or do. So said the biggest stupidity that happened.
- Want to kiss you? - She looked at him, tilting her head slightly .- You say you feel but do not know who has a special kiss. Cameron
slid his hand behind the neck of John. If it were not impossible, I could swear I was stroking.
- But a kiss is a sign of love ...
- Who says you do not want?
I had no idea why he had said this but not the least bit sorry.Cameron approached slowly, giving you the opportunity to depart, but did not. Moreover, he slid his hand on his chest that kept John up to his face. John moved closer and closer until they kissed.
expecting something cool, like kissing an iron, but Cameron's lips were warm and soft. At first she stood still, as John expected, but after a few seconds she began to kiss her, pulling her to her hands clasped behind his neck. I knew I could kill him if he lost control of minimal force, but knew that would never happen, that Cameron would never hurt her. He spent his hands around his waist and split some of it for air. He looked a moment into his eyes.
- now why among all my optionones I sent to you .- Cameron smiled.
He went to kiss it again, but she pulled away.
- Sarah.
John sat on the stool in front of his soda and hot and Cameron took his usual place by the window. Sarah came in, bowed and put a bag on the table before muttering something that John did not hear and left the kitchen.
- I have to confess something .- .- Cameron said is not the first time you kiss me.
John looked at her. Cameron looked at him with a smile that said more than any explanation.
- Are you deaf? John! I told you to keep the ice cream while going to the bathroom.
was raised as a spring and began to save the contents of the bags in the refrigerator without power to remove Cameron's head. Until the sound of the door, the voice of Derek and a new plan against Skynet gets to momentarily forget what happened minutes ago in the kitchen until a new moment alone with Cameron again make it inevitable that she feels for drag again.
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