jajajajajajaa, Inoue-san is a character Atashinchi Danshi not the drama that I'm seeing in turn ... jajajaajaja and poor is so because after being the champion all fuercitas Heart Castle truculent and surrounding lands, Chisato-san arrives and ZAZ! in a jiffy is the grave ...
T_________________T bueh, for the same feeling is what I charge me ... just that I've never been a champion of anything, maybe just stupidity, not more, but that does not count ... I do not know, I feel defeated and at the same time as if it belonged to anything ... before, about GL, I would say, "may not belong to the group of people from my school, but heey! if they belong to the Secret Society of Mirkwood "... ZAZ and shortly after, the SSDM disappears and I only have a few more faces of those ... then said, "perhaps it belongs to the SSDM but heey! if they belong to Hato "... and shortly afterwards I felt so alien (and so cut) all things that were said there ... then I said. "May not belong to Hato, nor to the SSDM, nor friendship groups or study, but heey! if I belong to my family "... ZAZ and guess what? I think that sometimes does not belong here ... if cando say I am a member of this core but I am someone as replaceable ... I say if I'm replaceable in a group of friends or in a forum such as X the net Hato jajajajaja, I say, I have run the best places, but being replaceable in a place where it should be ... is downright sad and wave punch.
I've been thinking a lot about it, the family as such ... and I feel lost, I think in the case of my specific family relationship with me, I'm still a strange ... it's like listening to them talk I was wondering all the time: "hey, can not be that the monkey or changa know me from my birth and do not recognize me at all" ... egthings I believe in me they do not see them, or vice versa, as they say I'm aggressive and a little calmer ... and I: oo eh ?????, but changaa whom are they talking about?. I feel aggressive and poorly calm when the situation requires and in extreme situations, but my aggression is to say things as I see them and not openly hugged to death ...
all started because of this, kyaah, as always my cuñaditas ... one is rotten if you think I'll let you mistreat my mother more because their eggs, which all seem to already accustomed to as it is and my theory is that this asshole thinks he's very well because no one says otherwise, and his pendejez and came to an end that no more need to hit us ... is an idiot, and decided, for the first time, send an email to who is responsible for that stupid is within this family ...
or not?
jajajajajajaja, say, as if I am very apprehensive as hell and even the doctors tell me ... but tell me yes or no, if I bring a person, be it couples, be it baby, call the adopted child, be it dog ... or perrrrra ... you want to call, if I bring someone who ends up integrated into my family ... whether or not I am responsible for that someone? One can not but say, already brought them and now to see how they manage ... no, because the family acceptedta to that person, child, baby or bring her dog because you, you the got involved in our core, not you, then the least we can do is respond and take responsibility, or not?
But no one seems to think so, and then more shit or we are told nothing because aayy pobresita perrrrrra not going to bother ... or say anything to the person responsible, because ... pobresito aayy will not be upset ... and it is a stupid things after another because they do not say things clearly ...
Now, ok, if that is considered to be aggressive, thinking that way, okay, I accept, I am an aggressive wild cocol stupid, I accept it, but I think to be as aggressive as it is bad perrra in questionment xDDDDD ... say that one day he wanted me to throw shots just because I said I was a bossy and was asshole if I believed that I could handle as he did everyone around him. .. ok, maybe I missed it the asshole because my mother was present, aahh, because I refused to edit a job that gave me more than two weeks of delay and which, even going to pay me. .. counterpart of the family is that she is already part of our family and you can not have you account ???... mia counterpart: to hell, I never sign anything that says that is part of my family lives (lived at the time) here for onlyOne of my brothers put it, right? is also well known that the family is who least have respect as a matter of work, when it should be reversed.
Finally repeat, why the whole family has to undergo an X Taruga that one got into the core? Is as if one day I came to Mukai Osamu ... Nakajima Yutito or ... or Koji Seto ... Kamenashi Kazuya or ... or Hyukjae ... or Yunho ... or all of them attached to my arm xDDDDDD ... and say they are my husbands (with paper to prove it or not) who are pregnant and me, we love her dearly and we will live pasiónysde now at my parents house and shut all jajajajajajajajaja ... now, suppose Mukai-san or Yuto or Koji or Kazuya or Hyukjae or Yunho or six children are a horrible perrrrros of Reverend Mother and After pregnancy can not stand any of them and me ejele divorce but there are already six children involved, so my children as my ex-husbands and grandchildren of my parents and though we all have the right to split up watching them grow ... so, the family relationship continues ... having to endure the rudeness and stupid things to my ex-husbands. Sounds stupid
my example, for many reasons, but tell me if it is not clear who is responsible stupid ??...Yes, I WOULD BE OBVIOUS, DO NOT BELIEVE ???... It was I who gave flight to the strand and bought four Japanese girl and two Koreans and got into the lives of all my family ... and if after a few farmhands are my fault because I did not know how to pick the right people for me but AH, CHING, if it scrubbed my whole family to co-exist with such subhuman for the rest of life ... whether the sub-human life or family or what the Hero!
not it irresponsible not to control the beast that got involved in the house? ... me if I dislike it and reaching a point where it is unbearable, am I not right in my teaching & ntilde; ar fangs? ... aaah but the collective reaction is: you should not have .... I ask you to calm down ...
And so is everything that is wrong is Aina, that I am wrong and just because I'm immature or has not experienced anything crazy poor without love who has not experienced ú nion between two people and therefore do not understand anything ...
other hand ... I am very indecisive ... Yunuen my niece asked me to be his godmother ... I suspect that more commitment to balance things out (so you do not feel bad this side of the family because Citlalli godmother is going to be on the side of my cun; Ada) than anything else lol, but I do not know if that will do a good or bad for that child, because as his godmother I have a responsibility with it, go, there is no more than pa teeth out, for me it's as if accepting a child like my daughter ... and believe me that the mother's responsibility goes beyond my capabilities ... and Yuyu ... although it is a smart girl, is becoming disobedient and deceitful and I feel that is still beyond my strength ... and worse, if I can not swivel as aunt I would feel bad, but if I can not swivel as ICTY as I feel the trip sponsorhe's evil .... Now, the other question is how much your parents will let that loop is real, how much they will let me I approached her and east of things you can ... and both continue to say. is a poor inexperienced not pay any attention to anything I say.
So. .. I do not know, seeing families ... whether fictitious or not, if they do ... that if they can empathize and engage with the feelings of the members of these families ... makes me feel even more lost ... further away from the people I love but I do not know how to approach them because every time I try it or reject me or me silent for inexperienced ... or worse, look at me l & aacute; stima ...
the end ... greatly understand Inoue-san: having something so close and not able to reach ...
PD. Indeed, new post of Witch:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Petit Mal More Condition_symptoms I feel like Inoue-san ... -___-
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What Are Broken Capiliaries Index fics
not do that! (Jeff / Annie)
The Diary of Rose (Doctor / Rose)
As (Eli / Maggie)
Differences Fringe (Peter / Olivia)
Affection (Blair / Serena BFF)
Travel (Blair Waldorf)
Celebration (Chuck / Blair)
Meeting (Chuck / Blair) CHTMLSleep
XC (Chuck / Blair)
Madness (Dan / Blair)
one button (Nate / Jenny) Inception
's worth a try (Arthur / Ariadne)
men and women (Eliot / Parker / Hardison)
Something has changed (Crews / Reese)
Lost The lost two weeks (Sawyer / Juliet) Merlin
More than three seconds (Arthur / Gwen)
stars (Kyle / Isabel)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
What is special about (John / Cameron)
The big bang theory
checking kiss theory (Sheldon / Penny)
The listener
thoughts (Toby / Charlie)
The office
First Date (Jim / Pam)
The Vampire Diaries
Only a Dream (Damon / Elena) 1 / 2
No you go (Damon / Elena) 2 / 2
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hemmoroids More Condition_symptoms Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - "What's so special" (John / Cameron)
Title: What is special about
Warnings: not think it has spoilers ... Although I do not think you understand if you have not seen the movies and / or series
Characters: John / Cameron. John Connor
Summary: lately Cameron says and does the most unexpected things ...
Notes: I will never be sufficiently grateful to James Cameron for "The Terminator" and "Terminator 2: The Judgement Day." For me the best of science fiction with "Star Wars" and was not sure about the series. But I ended up worshiping. Cameron is an incredible character we owe to the creator of the seriesand, like the development of John, which I also loved it.
This fic is going to
never think that the leader of the resistance is a terminator shippeable until you see this series and know Cameron.
's Not Easy Being John Connor. The pressure of being a future world leader joins that of an overprotective mother - or given the kind of thing that usually haunt, protective dry - and the continued presence of the most beautiful thing you've seenever. Call Cameron, his supposed sister, something may sound cruel but it is successful. Never called that before his mother or Derek, of course. Do not want them to begin to do so, but there are times when it repeats itself, as when he gets to take a walk around the house in underwear or when he lies beside her in bed. "It's just a machine" Sometimes Cameron does something that disturbs you, like changing the car stereo, dance, worrying about their clothes or look like any normal teenager ... But then again the machine appears. The machine that protects him from all others. Go ballot ... She did not ask. He himself sent to protect him. Why her? I would have preferred a big and strong like last time. Not to be so beautiful. Thatnot sit by his side to look at while you sleep ...
That morning there was nothing special. Derek was out as usual and go to know where Sarah had gone shopping or something. As had always stayed home. As always, had been with Cameron.
left the room when Cameron found watching television. There used to, but as of late was doing unexpected things, gave no importance. Moreover, he sat at his side. I was watching "Titanic"
- This movie is bad.
John laughed.
- What is wrong?
- They traveled on the Titanic. Jack and Rose. There are also many failures when physical ...
- Cameron, only a movie. She turned to look
le. Serious. As always.
- But it really happened. They should make films about things that happened in reality if not going to count well. John
laugh again.
- is a romantic movie. The historical accuracy is secondary.
- .- said I should not watch TV again .- The story is more important than a love story.
John shook his head, annoyed by the comment.
- Do not know how important it is love Cameron.
- Yes, I replied without looking at it .- .- It is very important. If love does not exist, you would not be here right now. If your parents had not wanted they would not have breeding and if you had the love of your mother you would not have protected his life many times.
- If the protectiontion is equivalent to love, you really love me .- John said with a touch between sarcasm and bitterness in his voice.
- Maybe yes.
John looked at her, but she kept her eyes fixed on the screen. He did the same. The film went an hour without Cameron showed signs of boredom as he often did when he tried to see one. Near the end, John turned to get up for a refresher Cameron was crying. He froze, not knowing how to react. I had no idea that the Terminators would mourn and less of a film. Suddenly, she turned her head and looked at him.
- It is very sad. Without further
looked back at the film. John got up and walked into the kitchen. I never imagined that Cameron would mourn, who havefeelings, which might be sad. "Mom is not going to believe this ..."
grabbed a soda and began drinking it sitting in the kitchen, thinking of Cameron. Not noticed approaching from behind.
- John, what is special about a kiss?
Poor John almost choked upon hearing his unexpected words. Recovering a little composure, laughed.
- A kiss is a sign of affection. Demonstrate that people want.
- But there are people kissing and does not want ... I've seen.
John River further.
- But they like. Attract. Sexually.
Cameron seemed more confused than before. Stepped forward and John did not know whether to laugh or run.
- I can understand the sign of love. Love exists. I seeevery day. But understand that sexual attraction.
"I can not believe this is happening," thought John. Cameron looked so confused and so beautiful ... John swallowed hard and smiled.
- I guess you can not. It is something that is not understood but it feels like. Here .- said touching his chest. Cameron put her hand on his.
- You're wrong. Feelings are not in the heart. But here .- said putting his other hand on the neck .- It is the brain that falls and is the order trasnmite heart beating faster. As yours does now.
John cleared his throat but did not move. She either.
- Anyway, it is useless trying to explain your feelings to someone who does not feel.
- Yes I'm sorry, John. I feel the cold,heat, wind, distinguish tastes, smells. I like music, film, art. I'm supposed to feel something that feels more than a stone but not ...
Cameron's words were completely misplaced. Do not know what to say or do. So said the biggest stupidity that happened.
- Want to kiss you? - She looked at him, tilting her head slightly .- You say you feel but do not know who has a special kiss. Cameron
slid his hand behind the neck of John. If it were not impossible, I could swear I was stroking.
- But a kiss is a sign of love ...
- Who says you do not want?
I had no idea why he had said this but not the least bit sorry.Cameron approached slowly, giving you the opportunity to depart, but did not. Moreover, he slid his hand on his chest that kept John up to his face. John moved closer and closer until they kissed.
expecting something cool, like kissing an iron, but Cameron's lips were warm and soft. At first she stood still, as John expected, but after a few seconds she began to kiss her, pulling her to her hands clasped behind his neck. I knew I could kill him if he lost control of minimal force, but knew that would never happen, that Cameron would never hurt her. He spent his hands around his waist and split some of it for air. He looked a moment into his eyes.
- now why among all my optionones I sent to you .- Cameron smiled.
He went to kiss it again, but she pulled away.
- Sarah.
John sat on the stool in front of his soda and hot and Cameron took his usual place by the window. Sarah came in, bowed and put a bag on the table before muttering something that John did not hear and left the kitchen.
- I have to confess something .- .- Cameron said is not the first time you kiss me.
John looked at her. Cameron looked at him with a smile that said more than any explanation.
- Are you deaf? John! I told you to keep the ice cream while going to the bathroom.
was raised as a spring and began to save the contents of the bags in the refrigerator without power to remove Cameron's head. Until the sound of the door, the voice of Derek and a new plan against Skynet gets to momentarily forget what happened minutes ago in the kitchen until a new moment alone with Cameron again make it inevitable that she feels for drag again.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Cruise Line Time Shrare My Agenda Heysayjumpera (or nuclear weapon) arrived! * O *
Wiiii ... bueeeno, truth, must have come almost two weeks and was beginning to worry and to bile in this regard, I found it strange because the packages that I receive from YesAsia (arriving in Hong Kong, Korea or Japan, as appropriate) is never delayed, I bought years with them, so ... I was never late, in fact the articles that are slow to arrive in Mexico are from the United States ... Please let me here the fucked!! Total
was already making plans for that if not reached by Friday, sending my complaint about it, but ... ARRIVED TODAY! And now understood why so retuviewere so long, is that jajajajajaja, packed it in a way that resembled a nuclear weapon xDDDDDDD, jajajajajaja, really .... certainly the product box is larger than the product because it brings a cute gift and comes packaged in a cute box more, then if it takes more size than a normal schedule. .. peeeeeero ... jajajaajajaja, the item box came wrapped in a plastic bag (separate from the manufacturer), then the bag had been covered with bubble wrap and bubble wrap that came within messaging box ... until there is normal as long as they send í, with plenty of bubble wrap to avoid damage, peeeeero, this time messaging this box came wrapped in more bubble wrap, but an exuberant amount I I will spend two months and I still popping (seeeh, I love to pop the bubbles and I have an excuse that it no longer Citlalli therapy for your hands and there we have them both, obsessively and thundering all each of the bubbles), but is an amount of truth, I have not measured, but I'm sure it is between 7 and 10 meters without exaggeration. And that crazy amount of bubbles came wrapped in paper factory ...
And the way, do not stain, if it looked like radioactive nuclear weapon destroys the world ... so, the postman told me that the package they came to them with a lot of paperwork in which he said they had to pass X-rays three times and made several dogs to sniff xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
heysayjumpera All for an agenda!!
So, we may deduce that Hey! Say! JUMP if he could rule the world ... * *
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Total, what the hellI'm talking about ??... because of my super agenda Hey Say! JUMP which is one of the only things I bought in pre ... and I do not like to buy in presale, nu, nu ... because they have to wait until it goes on sale, and then wait for what you send and then wait until you arrive ... instead the products already on sale, only Esparas to send it to you and you arrive, but the schedules and agendas of Jimusho not last anything at all ... in fact, Japan did not last CD or two days in normal sale!! and YesAsia, I ordered this agenda, he remained in OUT OF STOCK fifteen days before Ian datedisplacement and two days before the date passed: NOT LONGER AVAILABLE ... oo
And I did not want to stay with the desire, the truth ... because suddenly I imagined attending a very important production meeting with my agenda Hey! Say! JUMP and my thought was fun, so ...
I wrong ... this great thing ... has a given size and cute and very functional design without sacrificing beautiful photos * o *
Here I teach the product box where it came from the agenda and my super gift:
Then the gift wiiiii, a Clearfil ... which is like a folder but emplasticado and separations to save documents and stuff, which from the time he reached me was walking like the agenda, because I used to take my analysis of the doctor and now I have to take a new voter registration card because I stole it-___-tons the horrors Clearfil is serving me, of course, is impregnated heysayjumperas Photo:
The agenda is very simple on the outside, is a pale red color shooting jajajaajajaja who knows that some sparks of light here and there and I saidy! Say! JUMP Calendar 2010-2011 and now and the back says it is the distributor Shogakukan ... and you say, aayy if that simple on the outside and within the same ... but nooo .. nooooo!, inside is circulated for weeks and bring plenty of room to write things down (which I love) and brings many ... waaaaay photos ... here my favorite page, clear the first ... Yuto is one of my kyaaah !!!!, looks so sex in the big picture * o *:
Here, one of all with a barbecue ; xDDDDD lol, well do not know what is suppose to be a roast or something like that & iacute, but seem xDDDD skewers and barbecue, so, the pages where these pictures come out, they're like three, will be called like this: the barbecue ... and an approach to a those pictures where my Yuto hahahaha, you are eating something that looks like celery in sexy pose, that I have to put the big:
do not know ... slope as it gives me choking with celery sex to go xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD My mother instinct comes out.
And ... was only to make an entrance and remember the day I got my first nuclear weapon ...
Juyo ...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wrecked Planes For Sale The Vampire Diaries: "Do not go" (Damon / Elena)
Title: not go
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1x14 guess ...
Characters: Damon / Elena
Summary: Damon has returned to Mystic Falls Katherine Ellen reacting in unexpected ways.
Notes: The characters are LJ Smith and Warner, but this fic is dedicated to course
Elena Little did he imagine that Damon would return so quickly. Barely a few weeks since he left and had not even been able to assimilate at all what happened during their last meeting. Had not told anything and that Stefan him greatly. It was like wearing a neck chain to clench more each time Stefan smiled and held his hand and threatened to choke every time he kissed her. Damon would have liked to take longer to return - but really miss him - and certainly had not expected, calling at the door of Stefan, which opened outside Katherine.
was like looking in a mirror. Elena had seen an old photo, but it was not the same as actually have her ahead. The only difference was the hair: the Katherine was curly and maybe shorter. It did not seem surprised to find it. On the contrary. Rather it was that expected.
- Without a doubt, you must be the famous Elena .- the vampire seemed to find the situation very funny. Elena, remaking after a few seconds, took the proffered hand.
- And you must be the legendary Katherine - he whispered sharply.
- Please, I'm Kate now.
Elena managed to stammer something until he ask for Stefan. Katherine allowed him to pass and said that Stefan was in her room. Elena climbed the stairs two by dos. She was in her room half-hysterical. As was natural, did not make him any grace the presence of Katherine in Mystic Falls. Elena just listening. I could not help thinking that if he returned Katherine, Damon also was due to return and do not know if I was ready for. Fortunately or unfortunately, did not have much time to get used to it: Damon coughed on his back doing that again Elena snapped. Damon shook his head slightly backward.
- Girl, you look like a shampoo commercial. If I become closer to you, let me eyed.
- Fortunately, you do not have it be near her .- said Stefan. Elena looked down but could feel the eyes of Damon in it, daring to go against Stefan. Thisba sure he knew that he had not said anything.
- I have to go .- .- Enough said finally have here. I guess you'll have plenty to talk about.
- No, not really said Damon .- .- Everything is said. Tomorrow Katherine and I left the village permanently.
"Definitely ..." The word rang in her ears like a gong. Is it going forever? He looked up and looked into his eyes, forgetting that Stefan was also in the room.
- Are you going?
- we go .- had highlighted the "us" .- Stefan does not want us here.
- It is Katherine who does not want you here .- defended.
- throw me out it is like to me. If Kate does not want in your home, we're both. I will not let go now that I discoverdo.
Elena turned her head. Understood. Sure. Damon took over a hundred years looking for Katherine. She helped him find it. And he realized that now would not let go. So why did it hurt? Why he wanted to kick Katherine to the state if needed?
left the room without another word and leaned against the hallway wall fighting the tears that threatened to leave. What else? Damon had gone in search of Katherine and found it. Does that after the kiss - their kisses - he realized that it was she who really wanted? He had no right to expect anything. It was the girlfriend of his brother. It was Stefan who wanted. Stefan! Perhaps what hurt so muchwas felt that what happened two weeks earlier had happened only because of its resemblance to Katherine and do not really ever happened otherwise, but out and out, you should not mind so much ... She threw her head back slightly hitting the wall. Needed to talk to Damon alone. He knew he had no right to claim anything, but I had to know. What, was not very clear yet ... Damon
Leaving Stefan's room he found himself face Elena against the wall and watery eyes. Damon smiled. Elena distinguish between one hundred Katherines. His eyes glittered more and had a beautiful innocent smile. She looked at him and something in his expression is nervous. He, Damon Salvatore, nervous about the look of a child.
- I need to talk to you .- whispered .- When? Elena
words caught him off guard. He had expected to see relief at the news of his departure, that he had forgotten what happened during their last meeting or at least not to give any importance, but I would like to see him alone. He moved his lips "tonight" and Elena nodded before going down the stairs quietly.
was after ten when Damon came to the door of Elena, who should be waiting, because I just took a couple of seconds to open. After letting go, Damon sat on the couch while she took a seat beside him. Then silence. Whatever it was what Ellen wanted to discuss with him, did not know where to start. She kept the lookda fixed on her knees. He raised his head suddenly. Had to recognize that what was intrigued.
- Damon began at the end .- .- I do not want you to go.
That it does not expect it. Along the way he imagined what would the conversation. Imagined that Ellen would be justified by what happened last time and probably expected him to apologize for having taken the time or something. He laughed.
- That tell my brother, not me. It is he who lends us.
- It is you who does not want ...
Elena's voice sounded weak, as if to repent of his words even before saying them. Damon grabbed her chin forcing her to face him.
- not pretend that going to leave here just as Katherinebo to find it.
Elena looked down despite Damon kept secure.
- You're right. I can not ask that ... Damon
let go and stood up. She was getting nervous. Elena is running rings around whatever it was I wanted to say.
- Drop it at once. What did you want to talk to me?
- do not know. I guess I wanted to apologize for the last time .- now beginning to look more like what Damon had imagined .- I wanted to ask you not to say anything to Stefan, please. I want to be me who says so. The last sentence
head right off it completely.
- right how do you say?
- I want to be me who count. I'll do when you leave, so they would not be able to pay you and do not worry. Sand will tell as it happened and I do not look bad or anything.
- I have understood, but why are you going to do? Stefan much you will get mad. Elena, you might even leave you.
- I know .- answered fully determined after looking up and sink your eyes on Damon, who looked at her not knowing what to say.
- Are you telling me you're leaving to Stefan?
Elena rose from the couch and started pacing around the room.
- This has been an error. You should go ... I should not ask you to come ... not your fault and I have no right to ask anything ... I ...
Suddenly, Damon was at his side. Very close. Elena tried to turn, but Damon held her arm. Without pressure. It was more of a caress, but hadmore power to deter Ellen turned to the strongest of bonds. I was having from the beginning to say two words together, but at that moment, had lost the ability to say absolutely nothing. Damon needed to tell ...
- Do not, Helen. My brother deserves to be happy after what has happened and what I myself have been through.
- I will do more damage to be with someone who is falling for his brother to be alone.
be hated herself for saying that and even more because it was what I was wanting to say since that morning in the hallway. In fact, he hated and through too much, because he asked Damon to be, to feel how she felt, having to talk to Stefan about Damon fuKatherine was ... I wanted to apologize, telling Damon that he was sorry, but I was so close ...
all happened so fast you never even saw it coming. The next thing I knew was that Damon kissed her, just like that, without saying a word first. No laughing at her, not reject it, without reproach him that Katherine had already and did not need a brat like her. Just kiss her, slowly, as if time had slowed down if, in slow motion, as she was melting, and second to second was ignoring the problems, obstacles, perhaps the next day Damon was out with Katherine and she only would be a duty to tell the truth and Stefan likely a broken heart. There was only Damon, his kisses and caresses slow searchingthe skin under clothing.
But maybe, just maybe, the next day Katherine will leave alone and Damon will be there, holding her hand while trying to explain something even Stefan has yet clear, but desperately wants out.
Internet Addiction More Condition_symptoms Roswell: "Seeing Stars" (Kyle / Isabel)
Title: Looking star
Warnings: Spoilers end
Characters: Kyle / Isabel
Summary: Isabel and Kyle after the flight. Maria has Michael, Liz is Max, but they only have each other ...
Notes: This fic was a small contribution
Isabel loves watching the star resting on the hood of the car. It makes you feel something panostalgia recido to look at those points of light and sometimes try to imagine how many more will there be worlds above. Sometimes Kyle feels his side without saying a word, as if he knew that Elizabeth needed silence. Sometimes he whispers softly, as if in a library or a hospital and was forbidden to speak. Isabel does not mind that Kyle is one. Kyle likes him. He was always at his side. When he needed a friend, was there. As far at the moment. Do not question anything. It just makes your company.
But sometimes it's Kyle who gets nostalgic. Roswell who begins to remember his father and sometimes even Tess. Then, leaning on the car with Isabel, he mumbles something like "I miss him" and she seeks her hand and tighten all four screwsta, as if he could express the sadness of Kyle squeezing his hand. He is for the gesture. In those moments feel less alone. The others have each other, Liz and Max. Michael and Maria.
need to know they have to lean on. At times, hands clasped, their heads and Kyle come hold your breath a few seconds and wondered if it's time to tell Elizabeth how he feels. What is dying to tell from that New Year's Eve. And she comes to question whether his feelings for Kyle is real or the result of loneliness. He concludes that later will be. She decides that the time will tell and in the end, the dawn - or sometimes Michael - re-discover sleeping together.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
George [petty Gallery Y. .. fell plump ...
muaajajaajajaja ... I can not believe it, I simply refuse to believe I'm writing this ... Today I said Wiiii, I will not do anything today (which is not to say that has nothing to do, but today I played) so I'll see Shounen Club and comment on the party journalito ma s I liked .. and it seems unlikely that I will put as Yuto was also invited and should be something related to it because ... Yuto is !!!... but this time just simply provided some numbers to participate in two speaking parts ... one of which made a rock face jajajajajaajajaja very funny and kawaii, Buuut, lasts 3 seconds, so, notI will, well then pulled out a screencap.
What I'll actually I can not believe jajajaajajajajaja ... I can not believe that will put it as my favorite of the first episode of this month because until four weeks ago this group was totally indifferent to me until I fell xDDDDDDDDDDDDD fat ... but again, Mr. Johnny Kitagawa has planned, so Machiavellian, traps throughout its Jimusho and want it to not fall into them and you enter their world ... and when you get inside and believe you safe ... ZAZ! Fall into another, and so until it is fully in the clutches of the monster Jimusho which ... YOU NEVERWILL ESCAPE ... jajajaajajajaj, it sounded as dialog Monster 2 Heads ... jajajajajajaja, but it is not the truth.
And yes, I mean Kisumai ... kyaaaah, I can not believe that four weeks ago to not peeling, I refused if you want to lower their presentations ... and now, are the protagonists of my favorite video of Shounen Club last.
And of course is its presentation of Hair ... kyaaaaaaaaah, that song is catchy and scoundrels and can not help but sing ... and his choreography is so cool too, this time used to complete and kyaaaah chairs, not only looks great but spectacularly sexy ... andthen topped with the movement of the hip (which patented Kamenashi but are provided) so glorious ... here:
already .. Juyo!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Cruise Lines Time Share What Makes You Different ... What Makes you beautiful to me ...
the past few days I have really strange ups and downs ... I started with the release of "Red Crystal", the short in which case I'm working on had not heard, the truth ... xDDD I do not know to say ... animation productionand stage finished it on Friday ancestor, at that stage I spent about six weeks, that time is not unusual in stop motion animation, in fact, I was surprised because it was ma s faster than I've ever worked, except to "Monster 2 Heads."
I had planned to participate in "AvonCosmetics domestic violence "that was one of the contests where he took the short, the call goes out there this May and ends in September, and received it on time and everything, however, already had thought to participate in the "Film your dream ..." This year is the contest which was the Chibis Wonder ... hahaha to hear that I'm to compete jajajajaaj, it is the truth xDD if you do not do so He was not even going to get to level: Loca tramp with a can of film under the Arm ... Overall, the plan was to record Wonder Chibis in September to have it ready and tied up, because two years ago intent & eacutee; participate as well but you know ... ls uncomfortable sisters and cousins and their crap and I baited slouch, slouch so that gave me a depression so severe, so I did not want that to happen again, so I made the costumes and everything and was engrossed in that, then participate in the Avon would be impossible ... But then of course one can not require compliance with all the family, and the day of filming was scheduled to early September was primed again: "It's not that busy Note that I am, dammit .. "" Noooo, is that girls are super stressed by filingSeptember 15 and I do not attributable more, poor things ".... as if I were a witch cursed that bring a whip xDDDD ... total, was primed and was rescheduled for October!! Which Dementation began to give me because I saw begging again and again attacked mercilessly. Then I said to hell! ... and decided to work in the short was going to do for the contest of Avon ... I know, super late and down the thing, because the deadline, if I remember it was September 30th ... osea a month!! A month for everything to dash to make puppets and scenarios, to record voices, to encourage, editar, to put eyes, tooooodo. And I did, take it out on days other than to fulfill the month, of course, super crappy and was not as I had imagined but still the one month to finish it is unprecedented. But because of that, the short lacks many things, for example, something that I liked was that it lacks audio, audio mixing, and is also just tap, go to edit only had a how many shots per scene and I do not like that kind of results. Total
, when I started the shooting script (the script where they come from the shots and camera movements to be made) ofRed Crystal, I promised myself that these two things ... go, that the monster lacks many things, but those two were the ones I bothered ... that these two things that I had disappointed the Monster would be where I would put my attention on this so it does not happen again. And so I gave him one and a half of pure entertainment ... and as the camera that has a screen encouragement provided where you can go see it looks like you're working well as raw and rough as she watched him .. osea no I do not gross Gross on ... gross or both? bueeeno do not know, whatever, while there I saw Pareci & amp; oacute; that was running a lot better than the Monster ... and horrors that thrilled me.
However, my emotions right now are as found and abstract because I say ... if I think the result will be better than the Monster ... peer ... I looked better, well, I looked much more presentable in animation now that I'm editing ... and it frustrates me because if I put much more effort than the Monster and still does not look like I wanted ... however, if it is a step between the two ... and KYAAAAHH! do not know ...
Bueeeh ... total, so I had a crazy week, I do not know if I'm depressed or busy, no s & amp; eacute; if I really like coming out or loathe ... I do not know if I cause tenderness the characters or I-_____-quartered ... and that is why I walk rare sentimentally speaking, like nothing I Clementa but nothing makes me happy. Until now ... xDDDD, truth Deste weekend did not do anything, for one simple reason: I need to rest ... in fact, need to learn to relax, so, I forced myself to do nothing at the weekend (which I think is what I dropped into Dementation) ... and I said, today I'm going to go down pretty movies I see and I will walk through the site takeshi Yabu (crazy stuff that goes Jimusho) to see if it went up &; Oacute; the Shounen Club this month ... the truth, those are the only ñoñadas encourage me and make me feel like I can do something better somewhere that if AU Diaye No I have not left is because there is nobody that is integrated into my projects ... I know, is a cheap excuse, which I do not accept when I'm insane, but when I see these things eejit who encourage me feel that this is the razóny I can not move as I want on project quality (visual and sound script because I do not feel so bad) about that because I am single and want more I can not cover everything I wanted because I have only two hands.
And well, that was ... let me revive & nbsp; xDDDD ... McAnime first went through because I have a mad desire to see any movies animezca ova or indeed there is one that I wanted to see since last year, is called on a stormy night "... which I believe is for children under 7 years ....
But this makes no sense to me because my brain age is less than that, then I enter the range ... I first saw this movies was the visual art In fact, I liked tantíiiiisimo wall calendar that I bought this year is that movies, is a technique that I love but which should be enoughnte hard work, the scenarios are done in watercolor or model (like the ones I use) but the characters are in the second dimension, as any anime ... then it becomes a very crazy mix of colors, textures and back lens ... cinematically speaking ... yeah, I clarify because I am not a designer, then I can not qualify as such, but if anything I confirmed in my short life, maker of movies is that often the things that work nice for the design does not work for nothing in the film and vice versa ... For example, Megumi, a friend who long ago I do not see (because in fact one of our problems was this) that studied designand good designer, I worked a logWitch Eye or ... which was a stylized eye in a picture of a magazine (magazine is the film strip) and technically, in design was very nice, all clean and clear source and all those things that designers xDDDD always say ... however, did not work cinematically, for two reasons: one, because 99.99% of the film producers logo has something to do with a magazine or a magazine reel, which is completely out of place so Similarly, all use it do not need another producer with the same .... and on the other hand, cinematically (again) had no movement on screen, in movies, all images must have a CAPTUREent or self-paced even when they are fixed, and as this did not. Still, with the same Megumi, former Witch Eye logo, took him and took his class designers criticize, and I spent the criticism which, among other things, said that the logo looked drawn in paint and it was too simple ... First: I was taught that the tool does not make the professional, the professional tool makes ... so, which is done in X program is not relevant, as if Peter Jackson is edited in Movie Maker ... what?? it detract? ceases to be Peter Jackson because he edited a scene in Movie Maker '? I really do not?, and on the other hand, lthe image if it was simple, but had movement, was the image of the producer and did not use any magazine or something like that ... so ... if, indeed, was crappy, I do not say no, but something good had to have that 80% of people who saw it recall to date.
want to know how the story ended? Good, simple, I said that: I could not use that logo because it was the same logo that 99% of the producers and because they had used rhythm and producing a logo appears on all projects of the same, so it can not be may not have its own rhythm ... and he did? xDDDDDD was angry. Total
and baj & eacutee; "on a stormy night" and I see tonight * o *, then the comment .... also falls Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea .. I saw that already but wanted to have in the compu wiiiii for my nieces.
Then I went to the blog of Kami-chan ^ - ^, who famously and had a video that came out today simply lovable Saturday but back in Japan, and is the I put at the end of this post. And at the end
Yabu went through takeshi ... that KYAAAAAH! just as had the March Shounen ... * oooooooooooo * and now I'm going down the well, and MEJor even: Yuto estubo again!! * *
ooooooooooooooooooooooo So, in summary: I'm busy again ... I mean, how could I not to be: Pelis lists to see who wanted a long, Shounen Club March Yuto ready and again !!!!!!... and this video:
* This is a presentation that had the Hey! Say! 7 Saturday morning in Japan time, because they are special supporters (it sounds very strange to say cheerleaders , hahahaha, but that are, in fact) of Student Volleyball campenato of this year's new account ... so, the championship began this morning, so they were going to submit song & amp; oacute; No new before starting it as always ... the song was called Gambaretsugo ... jajajajaajajajajajajaja, which is a combination of: Gambaro - Do your best ... and Retsugo - how to pronounce "Let's go" Japs ... which I think is the best word ever invented xDDDDD and use it on myself now.
great thing about this is that all ... EVERYONE has one line, yeahhhh, everyone has their own line ... and you can hear the voice that brings Ryutaro sex now that I grew up, and my sound so kakoii Yuto as usual and listening to everything kawaii Chii as long as Yama-chan is heard all chepsy (yes, sexy but not bone chepsy, it's like the chop-suey is a cook gaveay out sexy) and Keito ... Keito is heard! xDDD jajajaja, japas fans ... kyaaah do not know, the opposite happens to me with Korean ... Korean women are tidy and put in one color and the color of their artists and well, but I shit to hide that? " are committing a crime to be fans of that group or thing? then why hide and turn around when the camera passes by them ??... equal to blowjobs as elves and there are as cassies but not masked ... ¬ ¬ daaagghh ... however, among the Japanese ... if there is another cover (insurance must have Korean ancestry ajajajaja or so) but most & iacuyou, to behave normally with the camera and the horns do not greet (as here shot per trip, although if you get to see it there) is very normal as passing around the camera xDDDDD do not hide your face when it happens ... as usual, are not criminals or anything like that!!
Nyaaah, love the song, is so ... is so ... reanimating! is perfect for the event because they are supposed to porri ... example, reading, special supporters and the supporters are there: to encourage players a little before their matches and thrilling the public to put in an environment ... and this track with presentacióny with Hey! Say! 7 fulfills its mission there ... es perfect for me, is what I needed to hear right now, something that made me feel well again and able to follow:
(Aina be singing Gambaretsugo!, Gambaretsugo!, Gambaretsugoooo!, I want you, I need you! Yeh! Kampeki knock out ... you're so cool, take it true, Gambaretsugooooooo!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Lorraine Hansberry'timeline Events' Table fandoms: # 08: The Vampire Diaries - "Just a Dream"
Title: Just a dream
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1x14
Characters: Elena Gilbert . Damon / Elena
Summary: Damon Katherine found but before going for she wants to say goodbye to Elena.
Notes: The characters are LJ Smith and Warner.
And so it is Just like you said it Would Be
Life goes easy on me Most of the time
And so it is not
The Short Story love, no glory No hero in her
sky I can not take my eyes
off of you I can not take my eyes off you
I can not take my eyes off of you
I can not take my eyes off you
I can not take my eyes off you I can not take
my eyes ...
Did I Say That I loathe you?
Did I say That I want to Leave it all behind
I can not take my mind off of you
I can not take my mind off you
I can not take my mind off of you
I can not take my mind off you I can not take my
mind off you I can not take my mind ...
................................ .......................
Dear Diary:
Hit me do not know howthere but you were lying in my bed with his hands in my hair and her tongue in my mouth. It was cold and my skin almost fuming because of the contrast of temperatures. Stefan was so different ... Your way of moving, passionate kiss ... More ... His hands fell from my hair to my waist without leaving an inch of my skin without stroking along the way and lowered his mouth to my neck. "Do it" I whispered ... Then Damon got the fangs and bit me. And I woke up with slightly outstretched hands as if trying to grab something in the air and breathing hard and not just because of fear. I sat on the bed and looked out the window. It was barely dawn, but could not close his eyes without seeing Damon on me. And the worst part was that the imagedid not cause the effect it should ... I got
. What is most needed at that time was a shower. A cold. I picked up the hair and into the bathtub. I almost cried because of the icy water but I cleared me completely. When I decided it was absolutely freezing cold shower had served its purpose so I closed the tap and left. I hesitated for a moment if you wrap the towel or not, all, I was alone in the room. Finally I wrapped with it thinking that it would all gone. I let my hair and brushed before leaving the bathroom, with the brush still in hand. I almost had a heart attack when I saw Damon sat in the window. I thanked the heavens have worn the towel.
- You sing very well .- I said. Wassung in the shower?
- What are you doing here? Stefan You know you're here? - No. I did not say anything else. I made sure that the towel was securely fastened and turned looking in the mirror. I started to brush her hair back so to do something. I could see in the mirror that kept looking at me and I was getting nervous. Too ... I still had in the retinas and the rest of the body (the shower had been futile in the end) the memory of the dream. I kept telling myself it was only a dream. It did not mean to feel something for Damon. No need to be so uncomfortable ...
- I came to say goodbye.
I turned so suddenly that I had to hold the towel that threatened to fall off (and that was what I needed). Le pregunt he went, trying to make my voice sound casual though it was more annoying than it should.
- is where Katherine. I get it.
course. Whenever it. Do not know why but I felt like a kick in the stomach. With all that Katherine had done and Damon still looking! Swallowing my head down and everything that I was dying to say since it was not my business (or that it was Stefan who was!) But at the moment, just before Damon was a curtain of hair away with the back of the hand to face me. Too close ... I said something about ask Katherine if she had children or do not know. Now I guess he meant to ask about my background, if I am somehow his descendants God lor want, but at that time could only think of how close he was and that I had never noticed that her eyes were so clear. I felt my neck and if the festival was still there as it was beginning to think that Damon was hypnotizing me. Most would rather not find it there.
- you hear me?
lied, of course
- Sure ... So goodbye .- I said lifting his head.
She left me with a lopsided grin that seemed resigned. I could not help. I had to drop.
- Why you want even, Damon? I lied, I became a vampire, has been dismissive over a hundred years ... - Damon laughed.
- You sound like my brother. I think you spend too much time together. Also, not that any of your business orStefan already discussed it, but it must be because I love. And do not say that I deserve something better as did my brother. For it is easy to say. Already have ... - is stopped abruptly. I also wanted me quiet. Damon was right. It was not my business at all. He still had a question ...
- Why did you come to say goodbye to me?
He shrugged.
- I guess because I owe. I also wanted to apologize to you. Nearly killed your friend, I had to erase the memory of your brother because I ate his girlfriend and might have led you to become a vampire ... You'll be glad to get rid of me.
I glad. Absolutely. Damon smiled and her eyes sparkled. Have you had shone so long as I could tell now? Continued to speakdo.
- In addition, you and I have something special, right? No it is, but there it is.
- Something special? - Repeated
was right. That something special is there but not yet what it is. Whatever it was threatening to go out and repeat to Damon that Katherine does not deserve at all. I could do better. But instead, I walked in two strides the distance between us and kissed him. Damon did not react and I wanted the earth swallow me. I still do not know what happened or what I was thinking. One can not go through life kissing her boyfriend's brother ... I left it completely embarrassed and without looking at his face. In life she'd had worse. I started to stammer an apology pointless until I heard my name Damon. I stopped abruptly.
- Elena, look .- said holding my chin to look him in the eye. Damon was not angry or mocking me. I had never seen that look on his face. He walked very slowly, or so it seemed to me because when he finally kissed me I felt I had a long, long time waiting to do so.
was not at all like I expected. Stefan was not cold but warm. Very warm. Her lips almost burned. His hands began to entangle the hair although I have to confess that mine were not so innocent anywhere. I spun at a speed that made me dizzy and made me land on my bed, straddled Damon. We split one point during the rush. Put my hair behind her ear while looking meeyes and sat up in bed to kiss me again. The next moment I was the one who was with his back against the mattress. I realized I was unscrewing the towel but I did not mind at all. Damon away to dress was the last thing I wanted. Quite the contrary. His hands were now everywhere in my own skin looking under the shirt ... Damon
But suddenly stood up and took a few steps back. I arranged the towel at that point I hid even less than I thought and looked at him.
- Stefan .- he said with sad tone and look of disappointment.
I almost cry when I could not believe I came out with it now that Stefan did not mind to stay, he was aechar less too if he went but I heard the bell before opening his mouth. Instinctively I turned my head toward the door and when I turned to look at Damon was gone. I remember thinking that was incredibly funky but not more than myself, trying to keep the anger and tears when a couple of minutes later Stefan quietly entered my room, gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me that Damon left Mystic Falls .