hurts the soul ... but I will not write about it.
Today, thanks again to Kami, I saw some clips of yesterday's Shounen Club, Friday ... was out of the blue, I needed to recover a little bit of sonreíry forgetting forces, and I say, if anyone can do that for me is God always sends me a little angel to survive in times of trouble ... has always been that way and the truth, I can only thank him for that. The angel is almost always short-lived but is sometimes more consistent and stable than I could have imagined, however, it does not matter in the end, it is always watchingto there when I need it.
This time the angel sent me a moment of relief and smile ... Yuto is that reappeared in Shounen Club, by invitation, yes, I know it may seem silly and without any common sense, but for me it is not ... and although I have not seen the whole chapter, I rejoice for a while with the medley of Hey Say! JUMP several juniors with Yuto, Takaki and Daiki sang.
first thing is to see Morimochi Shintaro-chan out with BI Shadow, Snow Prince Gasshoudan and others out there, to sing "Ultra Music Power" ... I do not know, but I love the choreographyand this song ... In addition, Shin-chan is growing fast, well at least faster than his brother. Ryotaro did not have that Tamanoo that age, I was little ...
* BI Shadow Morimoto Shintaro with starting the episode with "Ultra Music Power".
Then Snow Prince Gasshoudan stays and Hip Hop Jump out at par, as he begins to sound the instrumental part of "Jonetsu Jump!" Did very well indeed peeeero not sang! >.\u0026lt;... This bothered me, something few have given deberionto sing, I do not know, but I have a mental image of Hip Hop Jump and Snow Prince Gasshoudan would be adorable singing "BON BON" ...
* Aina * imagines him
"BON BON BO BON BON mune niwa harisakesou na ... Afureru hodo bokura wo assume no tsumete "
* o * ... ... Seeeeh would be adorable as they did then, Yutito-chibi, Chii-chibi, Yama-chibi ... and well, not now not see them too adorable ... but then were chibitos yet.
Anyway, at that moment I realized that my children Gasshoudan Snow Prince and they diewere new wardrobe ... I suspect it is because Otsuka Yuya and the boy is not as high as it is called, are growing very fast ... Only a few weeks ago they had the pink dress (I think they still have of jumping puddles, but they have left) and Buggle Bear that ever used, some years ago, Yuto, Yamada and Ryotaro ... jajajajajaja, seeeh ... is a very strange costume, pink with glitter and has jajajaja Buggle Bear on the sleeves, but unexpectedly, it looks kawaii in young children ... total, now I got a red one and he had seen someone but I forget who ... bueeeno, in fact I think if, & iquest, was not wearing, like, Yamada, Ryotaro, Chinen, Shintaro and Taiga when Yuto were backup dancers?? hahahaha, those were the days ... and others who changed costumes are the three strangers, who would say this because I have never been given to learn their names, however, are indifferent to me, especially the middle one, who is Mexican-Japanese face s xDDDD, it's nice to them the truth, made them justice, their wardrobes are monkeys ... remind me somewhat to that of Kis-My-ft2 ... Of course, when things do not become too rare.
unknown whether the three sang "Jonestu Jump" ... ¬ ¬ Mooo, medley would have been my favorite if they had included &; Iacute; do "BON BON" sung by Snow Prince Gasshoudan and Hip Hop Jump and already after three strangers Jonetsu Jump ... Well, stop complaining just because my three unknown sang the song very well, in fact, I consider among the most difficult to interpret songs Hey! Say! JUMP, the dance is fast, the song goes and fuck the rhythm itself is difficult to interpret ... I think they still lack confidence on stage, but they did nothing wrong.
* Snow Prince and his new wardrobe ... and the three boys and her new unknowncostumes.
Then ... in complete surprise, literally nothing, Daiki out by the public ... when they do not know why jajajajjaa me is that it looks great when they do and always surprising to me, Buuut ... if I was there so could not stay quiet if suddenly appear beside me Yuto, for example ... I think I hugged him and then kidnap xDDDDDD, so, I'm a bit of courage which all are able to control so maturely .. xDDD ok, ok, the fact that they're screaming like possessed not a symbol of maturity ... but hey, if they are contained!. Daiki
Kyomoto sings with Taiga, Anderson Casey, Kentaro Yasui (whom I've been finding like xDDD) and others, "Dreams Come True" ... if not I would have been included rather angry brighten up my day ... so, I forgive him for "BON BON.
* Daiki out of nowhere among crazy fans ... Daiki and again but in the stage, Yasui Kentaro on your right and your left Kyomoto Taiga * o *.
After listening to "Dreams Come True" in the medley, I thought que nothing could surprise me or like most at the moment, however, ZAZ I'm wrong ... is that at the end of this track, started playing something I said: eeey, I know that but why not me is the title to the head ... until I saw go back to my children Gasshoudan Snow Prince to the stage and into position jajajajaja ...
So, I thought the following in this order: heeey, I know is that first step is a groundout Hey Say! 7 ... ooohh, I know, is "Kagayaki Days" the last single of Hey! Say! JUMP ... oohhh, but that just sings rola Hey Say! 7 ... ooohhh, Yuto is Hey! Say! 7 ... YUTOOOOOO oohhhh!
course, take longer to read than in the time occupied in moving from one idea to another, the thing was that when I reacted to that dime had to do directly with my Yutito ... ZAZ! Kagayaki ERA DAYS IF (one of my favorite rolas) but then ... Yuto GOES! Washa washa * o * ... And that's not all ... Maybe it was that came out and stood alone amidst mere Snow Prince ... xDDDDDDDDDDD
I could not crack a smile pispireta ... because aayy ... is that they look so cute all ... Snow Prince the kids around my Yuto Gasshoudan the altote! ... no, no, I Debraywhen I saw Yuto about Otsuka Yuya .. * o * kawaii ... but died when Chinese focused on Aoi, most of all Jimusho little one, about Yuto * oooooooooo * SUPER KAWAII! Otsuka
Yuya comes a little bit above the elbow to Yuto ... Buuut ... \u0026lt;333 Chinese ... awwww, he gets an inch above the waist ... awwwwwww ... kawaii ...
addition both Otsuka and Chinese jajajajaaja Yuto looked strangely I do not know, but it gave me the impression that Yuya was making his third dream come true hahahahaha, seeeh, is that first was entering Jimusho (entered the Anopebarbecue), the second was to sing a song Hey Say! JUMP in Shounen Club and as a member of Johnny's Jr (which makes met two or three months, when it was singing "Mayonaka no Shadoboi" with Shintaro, time that brought a happy face which brought much like now) and the third was to sing and dance to accompany any member of Hey Say! JUMP or the whole group on stage ... I mean, Yuya said many times that he is a fan of Hey! Say! JUMP ... Like Chinese ... Otsuka saw it as all happy and enjoying ... but jajajajajaja Chinese, Chinese had a strange mixed co frightened faceNo wonder breaded with pride that was incredibly adorable ... both they kept turning to him, and between wanting to see that hacíay avoid embarrassing mistakes because that would do that against Yuto-sempai xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I do not know if it had been tested together before, we assume that Must ... but then sempais (which already debuted as Hey! Say! JUMP) have so many commitments I barely get any time you should record the Shounen Club ... so ... had not been able to test well next to Yuto and was the first time ... but ... kyaaaah, are enough to keep them in glass cases and put them on a shelf.
HTMLXC * Yuto amid Gasshoudan Snow Prince ... and with Otsuka Yuya ... worth pointing out that Yuya was in the middle of a jump.
seeing * Chinese Yuto, seeeh, Chinese red is the toddler in the middle ... and Yuto amid Gasshoudan Snow Prince, again, Yuto doing Kagayaki sexes pasito Days sempai so perfect as is, while the little ones try, not so unsuccessfully but not so well. Kohai and sempai at its best.
When I died after watching that ... I thought that it ended the medley with such a glorious act ... Buuut, noooo, I was wrong & eacute, again ... and that ultimately came together Takaki Nakajima Kento Kikuchi Fuma and to sing a mini bit of "Your Seed" but then began "Oretachi no Seishun" and nothing ... literally, from nowhere, came Kiriyama Akito and Nakama Junta ...
I say, ligeralmente of nowhere with good reason, months ago who stayed in Shounen Club and everyone began to say he had left! Jimusho clear nothing is official until the page passes Buuut xDDDD but bad memories, did not appear in Shounen Club since the end of 2008! And have not been inactive? the last thing hicieron Gokusen movie was ... and suddenly ZAZ, Takaki come and sing as if they had missed only once ... Shokura jjajajaajajajaja ... bueeh, those are the surprises that Johnny-san is loaded sometimes ... completely unexpected and for that matter, appreciated.
* Takaki with Kikuchi Fuma on your right and your left Nakajima Kento ... and Takaki, again, with the missing: Nakama Junta on your right and your left Kiriyama Akito.
Total ... for me, this was one of the best starts of a Shounen Club ... I loved the medley at all times, I loved the songs included (despite not having been "BON BON" or & amp; quot; Hey! Say! "Or" SOS ") and was full of unexpected things to me ... so, amply fulfilled its purpose: to relax and entertain a good time.
Si ... I know, I elaborated a video explaining that lasts 5 minutes 15 seconds ... but I needed to do and pear that there is this journal to do with it what I stick to my wants ... so, at this moment, I prefer to analyze in depth the opening of Shounen Club broadcast on Friday 7 May 2010 ... to think about anything else.
And no more to keep out, two commemorative photos ... Yuto one is close ... Yuto and the other more closely, hahajajaa, is to remember that they are in the journal of Aina and Yuto approaches are inevitable here ... xDDDDD in fact, one is Yuto singing about, with the finger of Yuya Otsuka head lol, at least it is for dancing, but no, because .. How the hell could reach the head of Yuto Yuya? Neither believe in your dreams ... and the other is an approach to Yuto crooked tooth ... * O * I love that tooth!. Somehow, it is tempting me:
hahaha ... I have the same tooth like me the very same side (maybe I was who I inherited my son! the pa *tean *) but mine is a Chirris less back ... and certainly, he is seen more kawaii than me ...
Which leads me to think: here's why it is so important that the teeth are straight? ... I say, is like an obsession, no?, why should rays came straighten a crooked tooth? why the hell you have to put braces, brake horse, leagues and weird things to egg children with crooked teeth? I mean, because I understand if we are talking about a child with a serious malformation of the teeth, something the chupacabra style or something ... but if the wave isthat poor kid or kid in question has a medial tooth turned to his companions to talk ... or he got a bit further back than the others ... or so, WHY DO SUFFER THE RAYS??
In my braces made me suffer when first putting my teeth do not suffer from total chuequés and horrible, no, I have the top two front teeth slightly crooked and Yutesco that I got a little ma , s ago that others have already mentioned ... NOTHING MORE! And down I have two normal front and rights but the two that are nextof them are turned as if they were gossiping with the two front ... jajajajajaja ... but NOTHING ELSE! so why lightning forced me to use braces for three years!! metal braces, which will dig into the inner lips while you get used to open wider to speak or eat, which you have to care more than your life because the first bite that bad already des safaron and hurt you ... with wire between them than when you are badly cut bury you in the gums and whole mouth, teeth hurt you while you the straightening braces beggars (and worse when fit and aprientan more> ;. \u0026lt;) & nbsp, as if they had beaten on the mouth with a mechanical lever, making you want to have the gift to survive without food for the lunch, which should be nice, it becomes a hell .. . with links palette (I never asked for colors, always dress transparent) that make you look like Robocop Golum or murderer or worse. It's horrible! and besides all, do not work! why I say that not work? because it does not work because if you work as efficiently as orthodontists say that I explain what the hell when you remove them you have to use the palate (a simple wire brake but uncomfortable) to sleep the rest of your life ??Tell me if it is not absurd, it's like having crooked teeth were a sin or crime and the need to condemn you for the rest of your life to the discomfort.
know what I did? I specifically asked that I no longer pay the treatment because I was suffering, my mother tried to convince me that the perfect teeth opens the doors of the world lol, but I'm not convinced ... the paladres orthodontist gave me these and I said if I put them through the rest of my life to sleep would be a bad girl and was going straight to hell ... and know what happened? ... I was a bad girl, put on my palate as much for 6 months, despuéslI lost, my teeth (it is true that the teeth have a memory) returned to its original position and I think I'll go to hell as the orthodontist ....
But ... I'm happy with my crooked teeth ... well I like, at least I'm not like that 70% of the people of this country, obsessed with having the perfect teeth to open the doors of the universe as if it were true, well ... should learn to respect also, there in the far eastern lands, crooked teeth are not a problem and I'm not talking about a tooth fought with peers like Yuto (kawaii), noooo, or Chii as those who seem lost rabbit (kawaii), noooooo ... I'm talking about teeth like those of Saitoh Yasuko ... who really has the teeth chuequisimos and yet, the youngster has a promising acting career in movies, dramas and demásy if your looking for online, the only stupid comments about your teeth Western people are stupid and you always find some Japanese Japanese who speaks English when he said: but that is not important in Japan ...
Daaah ...
When you see the full episode of Shounen Club may put more comments and photos in best quality.
Juyo, Ain
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