Title: The lost two weeks
Warnings: Spoilers
season five Characters: Sawyer / Juliet
Juliet For years I wanted out of that damn island. Now I had the chance ...
Notes: was a Christmas gift for invisible friend
The day after arriving at Dharma.
Juliet opened her eyes when she was barely dawn. It took a few minutes where it was but just absorb it did, the awareness that was really funny when he was cleared of the coup. He got out of bed and looked out the window. He was still somewhat obscure and barely make out the shadows of workers who left their homes. At no time during the years he had lived there had been raised as was the village before the "others" arrived. Families, children ... Juliet sighed and turned from the window. Think you had recalled children Rachel and her baby. Baby now did not exist. In fact now there was hardly own Juliet.
went into the kitchen to make coffee. If the leaders of the initDharma iativa to see, the interrogate to find out how it was possible he had so easily in purported foreign cuisine. He thought of his sister. Right now would be just a girl, like herself. Surely in that moment in Miami, his mother would wake up to go to school. Juliet swallowed hard and endured the tears. Sawyer was right. I could not go home. He had no home to go back no one to wait. There was only the island, Daniel, Miles, Jin and Sawyer. Especially Sawyer. But just needed to get out. The island's suffocating. He would go somewhere and start from scratch. The submarine would take two weeks and left where the left would take the first job he could find and start a new life. Toso were the seventies. The world was not yet in crisis.
When Juliet took the first sip of coffee, this was already cold and the sun filled the house. He smiled to himself. God knows how long he had been standing in the kitchen toying with the head. He threw the contents of the bowl in the sink and turning the machine again. I was filling a second cup when the doorbell rang. When he opened it he found a smiling Sawyer carrying a box of donuts. Juliet faked a smile and leaned against the door.
- Good morning, miss. Have you had breakfast? - Asked handing him the box.
- In this was answered by showing the cup .- .- Do you want some coffee?
- Only if you let me cambiártelo by Sawyer replied to donuts .-s to enter the house and shut the door. -----------------------------
liked Juliet, that was undeniable. If you had even when locked in a cage for bears and threatened to kill Kate admired, now that both were in the same boat and had shown courage and loyalty so often admired even more. Actually, in all honesty, not just admiration. He had to admit that the cherished. If Juliet was going, was going to feel very lonely on the island ...
They chatted in the kitchen when Horace came to the door. Asked if they wanted to do something in the village not to get bored as long as they were there. Both agreed, so Horace asked about their academic preparation and experience toplace them where best fit. Juliet had to bite my tongue not to yell four things to Sawyer when she said that she had not even finished high school.
- What I have not finished high school? Do you think the title of medicine they give you in kindergarten or what? - Asked half jokingly offended when Horace went.
- What do you say? What are the best gynecologist in the country? - Juliet raised an eyebrow thinking something like "It would have been wrong" - I could not. Would have blown our cover, Jules.
Juliet laughed. "Jules?
- Well, I guess you're right.
- Of course I have. I'll go now decided watching the clock .- .- I have many things to do.
- Of course contest .-Juliet to the door. Sawyer came out but had just left the porch, Juliet called .- James. Fancy dinner with me tonight? I have no desire to be alone ...
He smiled.
- I love it. -----------------------------
At nine knock at the door. A Juliet is let out a smile when Sawyer found a bottle of wine harvest Dharma wearing a shirt that might well have belonged to a Bee Gee. During the period of the dinner, they laughed, they remembered historical events that had not happened, even recalled times spent on the island with nostalgia as the years they lived if I did that. Until about midnight Sawyer was leaving Juliet alone with her again nostalgia and their desire to get out and discovering yourself hating again for leaving Kate alone.
Four days after arriving at Dharma
After two nights, Juliet was getting used to the house. He awoke to the sound the alarm and after breakfast put on his overalls. She had been assigned to the garage. At first he would have preferred being in the hospital, but after thinking better and remember where I was, thanked Sawyer to lie about their education. I could not bear to lose more patients and the cars did not breathe well in his new job was more emotional integrity secure.
leaving the house, he saw Sawyer out of the casthe opposite. When you see her, waved. Juliet waved back, suppressing a smile. Dinner together every night since I arrived and spoke of many things but they never run out of conversation topics. It was starting to get used to and that was dangerous.
Juliet was going to the shop when Sawyer went to meet him.
- Good morning. How are you?
- Well ... more or less as before .- replied with a smile. Ran his fingers through the monkey logo Sawyer in which he said "Jim" .- Do not get used to your new name.
- Well, actually not new. My mother called me that sometimes when I was little.
- No, if I like it .- Juliet came to his ear to whisper .- I really meant the "LaFleur "- Sawyer laughed .- Anyway I'll keep calling James like it or not.
- I already took for granted .- he replied with a smirk .- You've been doing it since the day I met you. I would find it odd you'd stop it now.
Now it was Sawyer who had come to whisper. Juliet smiled and went his way as he looked away without smiling too clear why. ----------------------------------
That night they talked about sports, the chance to bet on the next Olympics or the Miami Dolphins in the Super Bowl. Tested several discs in the house and had not yet heard and danced to "You are the sunshine of my life" laughing, commenting that the song was recient they had. Silent few seconds, enough to pay attention to a couple of sentences of random song ("You Must Have Known That I Was Lonely / Because you came to my rescue, / and I Know That This Must Be Heaven") and Sawyer decided that it was late and had to leave, something that Juliet agreed. Accompanied him to the door as usual and after goodnight approached him and kissed his cheek. Sawyer smiled and after whispering "Good night" went home.
cried that night and Juliet or Kate Sawyer remembered.
Eight days after arriving
Dharma Sawyer jumped out of bed an hour before the alarm clock. Prepplowed coffee, toast, juice and eggs, put it all on a tray and left the house with the intention of surprising Juliet. The memory of last night was cool and made it speed up the heart like a kid of 15 years. They ate, drank, laughed and when it was time to leave, finally had his courage and kissed her on the porch. Had embraced and in doing so noted that she was trembling. There have been a good night and had gone home but only got to sleep thinking about it.
rang the bell and Juliet about a minute after he opened the door in her nightgown, disheveled and sleepy face. Sawyer thought he'd never seen her so beautiful.
- Hey.
- Hey .- "she murmured. Looked down encountering la tray - Why?
- I come to breakfast with you .- Sawyer said smiling. Juliet
let him pass but not smiling. He poured the coffee and toast and juice offered she rejected.
- I thought that tonight could have dinner at my house.
- Tonight there will be .- Juliet muttered coldly without looking at Sawyer's eyes. He stared at her not knowing what to say.
- Do you have other plans? - Was all that was right. "Stupid ..."
- Yes, I have other plans .- replied looking at him at last to face .- I have other plans like leaving the island within six days.
He stopped suddenly. Her voice was trembling and Sawyer had noticed. He approached her, but Juliet took a step back.
- Jules ...
- No, James. No. Do not call me Jules. Do not look well. Do not kiss me on the porch. Do not bring me breakfast in the morning and you behave as if it meant something .- Juliet was silent. His legs were shaking and his voice and not looking into his eyes. Sawyer looked at her silently for a few seconds. Never seen her like this, with his arms folded and head bowed. Vulnerable. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, yelling that he would always be with her, not knowing when he had begun to feel what I felt but did not want to leave her again. But he did not. He turned and opened the door.
- Yes that means something, Juliet .- muttered before closing the door behind him with a special emphasis on the pronunciation of his name.
Juliet, once alone,began to mourn.
Eleven days after reaching
Dharma Sawyer and Juliet had not spoken for three days before had something like a discussion in the kitchen. She was very serious all day and he was always grumpy. Amy, the closest thing to a friend Juliet had since "arrived", had tried to talk to her, but every time the name "Jim" came out in conversation, Juliet returned to close in-band and changed the subject. Miles also noticed the change but knew enough to Sawyer to commit the stupidity to ask what happened. At night, Juliet played music and dined alone. Sawyer used to read on the porch until I devoured mosquitoesJuliet remove or turn off the light in your home. Usually the first thing endured until the latter happening.
Twelve days after arriving at Dharma
Just had three days to reach the submarine and that Juliet was raised to pack. I mean, put in a suitcase the few clothes that Amy had achieved little else. That week was still the longest of his life. It seemed that damn submarine would never come. I was busy bending the three pairs of pants that had a knock at the door. Sawyer was with his hands in his pockets Dharma Monkey and looking down.
just took off his lips to ask what he was doing there chen he cut her off.
- Before I say anything, I want you to know that I understand everything you told me the other day. I just came to say goodbye. I know you're leaving in a couple of days and I want you to know we all miss you here. Especially me .- The last sentence said softly as if it had not been his intention that Juliet hear. She coughed and swallowed. Sawyer went on .- However, on the other hand I feel it is as if you had left because I could not look at you or punish talk because they have undergone the stupid urge to do what I said the heart instead of heeding head. The good side is really still here and I can say goodbye to you as God commands.
- But I will not even withintwo days ... - he whispered hoarsely.
- The day you leave the submarine will be at the point farthest from the dock that you can not see how you go. It will be easier to endure the urge to try to keep you here
Juliet did not know what to think or feel. Sawyer had kissed a few days ago and could not explain what he felt at that time. It was as if I had been waiting for this moment all his life and felt so afraid that he could not continue. Needed to go, get out, and if you fell in love with James never could.
but had discovered that it was too late. He was already in love with Sawyer, she was sure of it. And if what he said was true ...
Sawyer approached her to give a goodbye hug. Juliet abover which we have stronger and longer than he had intended but he did not move until she released the hug.
- Juliet luck. I hope you find what you want.
A "Thank You" was drowned in the throat of Juliet as she looked away. "You are what you seek" he thought, not daring to speak.
closed the door behind her and lay on the bed. Mentally reviewed the reasons to go: first, I hated that damn island. While on the other hand, was James. Then there was the opportunity it offered a fresh start with no monsters, no death, no Dharma, no Ben, (They gave him chills every time I saw a miniature hanging around there) but also without James. I did not want to stay. I wanted to forget the nightmare of an island, that horrible last year. If he stayed would feel imprisoned. I could not do, even for James. And not knowing if I was still in the shadow of Kate. Kate's shadow ... Maybe it was that all the time and was hiding his fear and insecurity behind the desire to leave the island ...
He got out of bed saying he thought stupid and continued folding shirts. ---------------------------------------
When Juliet had not made a decision who stopped and decided to finally throw the case and clarify value everything. That night he left home with a beautiful red dress that had loaned Amy ("I'm not worth it and besides I have no one for whom wear beautiful. You can have it" he said), aa bottle of wine and all the value that he could muster.
Sawyer opened the door with his glasses on and "Moby Dick" on hand.
- Juliet ...
- Shut up and let me talk or I acobardaré and will not tell you what I have to say and then I never forgive you .- Finding that he had stopped and looked at her watch, Juliet asked if she could come . Sawyer opened the bottle of wine and poured a drink as she settled into the couch. He drank a drink while he sat and continued talking .- I have something to say and do not want to leave without your knowledge. When I reached the island I fell in love. I totally fell in love with a man of "others" called Goodwin.
- Goodwin ... I sound ...
- Shut up and let me talk .- SAwyer silent .- The problem was that Goodwin was married. I spent so bad at the time ... And Ben, in a fit of jealousy or who knows what, he sent on a suicide mission aircraft and someone killed her. One such Ana Lucia, I think.
"Ah, that was Goodwin" Sawyer thought but would not interrupt.
- I promised myself I would never be with another man who was emotionally attached to another woman, so when I met Jack ...
Sawyer scowled.
- Jack? Really? But what happens to you all with this guy?
Juliet could not help noticing that he was referring to "all" but despite that her stomach a bit, continued speaking.
- When I met Jack and I began to feel something for him made mehat myself to let it go when I realized his feelings for Kate .- Juliet stopped a few seconds waiting for some reaction but there was none. Sawyer only looked attentive. Now came the hardest part so I took a deep breath before continuing .- I think that by now with everything already said it is foolish to deny that I feel something for you. Not sure if it love or is it that you love before but maybe I need to get away from you is due more to my uncertainty about your feelings that my strong desire to leave this damned island .- He stopped a few seconds breath and looked at him. There was still no any reaction. Juliet sighed .- I guess that's all. It is not just let go without but I needed this to tell you. I could not go without more andspend the rest of my life thinking what would have happened if he had confessed how I felt. I do not know, maybe subconsciously expecting you to tell me I have nothing to worry about me and told me to stay with you. Or maybe ...
Juliet could not continue speaking. Sawyer's lips was not allowed.
- Do not go. Stay with me .- murmured between kisses but not needed. Juliet did not want to go to any site that James was not .- Tell me you'll stay. Juliet
separated from him and looked into his eyes. I could tell in his eyes that he meant it. I really wanted to stay.
- I can not do if you ...
- Do not worry about it whispered, caressing his face .- .- I've never felt this way with nadie. You are the one and only. A Juliet
Two weeks after arriving at Dharma
The submarine sank leaving family goodbye at the dock while Juliet woke up in bed with James. Covering as he could with a blanket, looked out the window. He saw Ben playing in the park and for the first time instead of chills smiled. The boy looked at her and waved. Juliet smiled openly. He turned from the window and looked at Sawyer one second sleep. Then I woke up with a kiss, rejoicing over every second that passed have not been in the damn submarine.
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