can not live with them, or heterosexual sex without them.
I know that some of my current and past follardos secretly you read this blog. I do not dislike, small stays, I understand that to know is to love myself and you find it hard to forget my. I'm flattered, really, but since I pass by here, greetings once in a while bunch of inconsiderate gulfs, you know that I do not bite ... Okay, if I bite, but none of you is me never complained about it.
December has resulted in two liters of rum and a cream-residue, with a lot of dinners, a magnificentca tea recipe christmas candy overdose. With several promises to break, a very short period of Vidal i shere, a declaration of love by proxy, some matches in the third stage and eager to land diaa back in my day ... What really matters is that I survived Christmas.
This afternoon I packed the little tree and Christmas lights, I returned to the filthy and blessed routine. I have a lot of chocolate decorations that someone has to eat, so you know.
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