Medellín, October 2009
Solar System History
The story we tell, regarding the origin of the system solar is the most accepted by the international scientific community, but its acceptance is not unanimous. Based on Big Bang theory, which has not unanimity among scientists.
is assumed that the embryonic process of the solar system began about 8000 million a & ntilde; years. Had already elapsed between 5000 and 6000 million years since there was the big explosion that gave birth to time and space.
is difficult to pinpoint the origin of the Solar System. Scientists believe it can stand for about 4500 million years. Ie the training process took the difference between 8000 and 4500 million years that is 3500 million years. Laplace's theory, a huge cloud of gas and dust is contracted due to gravity and began to spin at high speed, probably due to the explosion of a nearby supernova.It is further believed that this supernova enriched gas and dust cloud with many heavy elements not found in the cloud that formed during the supernova explosion.
Figure 1
http://www. / solar / formasistema.htm
is estimated that this cloud was between 7000 and 20000 AU and most of the material accumulated in the center.
The tag before receiving the effect of the supernova was relatively fríay its mass was slightly higher than the mass of the Sun If today is called the Sun's mass Mo, the cloud would to a mass of 1.1 Mo.
The gravitational collapse was accumulating material in the center and the pressure became so high that the atoms began to split, releasing energíay first forming a protostar. At the same tiempo is going to define some eddies, which grew, increased in severity and collected more material in each round, until eventually our Sun was formed
This concentration process subject in the center of the cloud, called gravitational collapse. The star was formed as we know it, makes about 4500 million years.
also had many collisions. Million objects approached and joined or clashed violently and broke into pieces. The predominant building meetings and in just 100 million a & about girls, I purchased a similar appearance to the present. After each body continued its own evolution.
The Sun has 99.8% of the mass of the solar system, while 0.2% have planets. However, only only 1% of the angular momentum of the system. These data are important when explaining the formation, both the Sun and planets and other bodies.
There are several theories about planet formation. Either it should clarify why the inner planets are small and rocky, because & eacute, the outer planets are gaseous giants.
When we were in the period of the protostar, prior to the formation of the Sun, it is assumed that the refractory materials are concentrated in the center of it, while the gas surrounding the protostar and the cloud lost a lot of size. And their diameter was around the 10000 UA, but had made hundreds of astronomical units.
The protostar became a star when, by the high temperatures at its center, began the procthat fusion of hydrogen into helium. That was about 4500 million years and this is the age of our Sun The process continues today and is the source of all energy that today we received the sun.
Nebula theory has taken a long boom due to the observation of similar processes in young stars surrounded by dense disks of dust, to be slowing. By concentrating the majority of mass in the center, the outdoor pieces, and separate least slow down, thereby increasing the difference in speed.
Rocky planets
With the densest matter in the center of the cloud, the inner zone and near the protosun, condensed as solids the heavier elements such as mineral silicates, consisting of magnesium, silicon, iron and oxygen. This was the raw material was used to form the four rocky or terrestrial planets that are closer to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, through a long process of accretion of matter clumping or . The protoplanetary disk was becoming increasingly blurred and por action of the forces of gravity came to form rocky planets.
This process of concentration of matter and formation of rocky bodies, getting bigger, it must have been slow. By gravity, the larger bodies experienced a mass increase of an unbridled way, attracting smaller surrounding objects, to form even larger bodies. When these objects reach diameters near 1 km, are called planetesimals. Thus, the formation of rocky planets from planetesimals became increasingly m &; Aacute; s great. The ongoing clashes between the latter were forming the 4 rocky planets we know today, like the asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter, who never managed to form a fifth rocky planet, because tidal forces of Jupiter, the giant planet in our solar system.
The history of rocky planets, including Earth, was chaotic and very violent. After 10 million years ago the planets had reached almost its final size, but over the next 100 million, a bombardment of planetesimals of stature, with its accompanying load & ntilde; to matter and energy came to them. This bombardment of planetesimals has continued since then, but increasingly less often. Geologists believe the last major clash occurred 65 million years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, which produced a crater 300 km in diameter : On this great impact has been much speculation since he attributed the extinction of the dinosaurs.
gas giants
There's an interesting fact about the timing of planet formation. We said that the belt of asteroids formed fifth rocky planet, the gravity of Jupiter. This implies that the formation of the gas giant was simultaneous with that of the rock, or as seems more logical, it was before.
protosun A greater distance, temperatures tend to be lower. In this area dominated the chemical composition of the original solar nebula, with an abundance of light gases hydrogen and helium,very little of other gases like methane (CH 4 ), ammonia (NH 3 ) and nitrogen (N 2 ), some heavy elements and simple compounds ice (such as methane, ammonia and water) .
Jupiter and Saturn were formed primarily from hydrogen and helium and small amounts of heavy elements, while Uranus and Neptune, and includes these components, incorporated equivalent amounts of ice. This raw material formed large Jovian planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, all of them occupying 0.13% of the mass of the original solar nebula.
The gigbefore gas are 99.5% of the planetary mass and Jupiter alone has 71% of it.
The Jovian planets are unlike the rocky planets. None of them has a solid surface. In addition, there is evidence that they contain, deep in their cores, rock material consisting of heavy elements common to the rocky planets. For example, Jupiter and Saturn, with masses 318 and 95 times greater than Earth's, respectively, have a rocky core occupying 17% and 28%, respectively, the diameter (or radius) . The remaining material in these planets are mostly hydrogen in liquid form. Temperature of the rocky cores are estimated respectively for the two planets, at 40000 and 20000 º º C. Uranus and Neptune have similar conditions.
The rest of the solar system is composed of the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.
beyond Neptune, in an area farther from the Sun and cooler, are the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud . Telescopic observations have confirmed the existence of numerBears icy planetesimals. These bands contain more than 200 million objects with diameters significant. This set of bodies is called Kuiper Belt. Pluto, which was a planet until 2006, is one of the largest objects that are part of the Kuiper Belt, even though it's smaller than our moon.
The presence of all this solid matter dispersed, extending beyond Pluto, is consistent with telescopic observation & amp; oacute; bites of great records, which are associated with the birth of stars like our sun in other parts of the universe.
Beyond the Kuiper belt, there is even more remote area, with objects on which the sun exerts gravitational force. By its gravitational influence many of the icy planetesimals in their environment were really thrown into interstellar space, unable to return to the Solar System. Some, however, did not leave, but were in highly eccentric orbits and distant from the Sun The Oort Cloud , extends as far away as an a & amp; about girls, or sunlight Occasionally, some of the objects residing in this cloud, revisited our Solar System Planetarium in the form of comets, long period, such as Halley's comet.
Therefore, we can say that the gravitational influence of the Sun, extending to distances close to one (1) al. The nearest star to the Sun is called Proxima Centauri and is about 4.2 to our system.
short: The solar system as it stands today has three stripes well differentiatedgums. The innermost, corresponding to the planets, from Mercury to Neptune. The Kuiper belt, where there are many large and small objects, Pluto being the most important, there are many others of a similar Sizeand.
Finally, beyond the Kuiper belt is the Oort cloud, a vast area inhabited by many comets with highly eccentric orbits, some of whom visit the solar system some frequency and some of which collide with planets or against the Sun
radio is thought of Influenceia gravity of the solar system is 1 to, so that its diameter would be 2 al.
Note: 1 AU = 149'600, 000 km
1 Parsec = UA 206,246.00
1 light year = 1 to = 0.3066 Parsec = UA 63,235.00
Juan Fernando Sanin