Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mild Autism More Condition_symptoms Astrobiology 3

Medellín, June 2009


Note 3.

Juan Fernando Sanin E

Although the definition of living organism been complemented, trying to universalise, reality is that our concept of it is the referent earthling. CH TMLXC

Life in the solar system

Practically, the scientific community's expectations of finding life in the solar system, are reduced to finding microbial life . Not considered viable extraerrestre the existence of life a bit more complex. In other words, it is not considered likely to be from Earth and within the solar system we can find insects, mollusks, fish, lizards and mammals.

Mercury Metro

& nbsp;

Given the standard of the living on Earth, the conditions of the planet Mercury does not seem to be appropriate to support any kind of life. The planet's temperatures vary between 90 º and 500 º, which makes it very difficult for them, allowing the development of life, including the microbial. The planet has a very thin atmosphere and the pressure seems to be only one hundred thousandth of atmospheric pressure on Earth's surface. The water vapor, could come from impacts of comets. It is not believed possible to have liquid water. CHTMLX C

planet Venus.

Venus has an atmosphere, which is composed mainly of carbon dioxide

and a small amount of nitrogen . The pressure the surface level is 90 times larger than the atmospheric pressure on Earth's surface (a pressure equivalent to a depth of one kilometer under sea levelon Earth).

The large amount of CO 2

atmosphere causes the greenhouse effect, which raises the temperature of the planet's surface to about 460 ° C in the lower elevations near Ecuador . The huge greenhouse effect due to the CO 2 in the atmosphere, trapping heat, causing the high temperatures on this planet. No evidence of water vapor and less liquid water. Therefore, within the reference Earthman, the possibility of life on this planet is infinitesimal.

A No problemsor habitability mentioned in Mercury and Venus, we should note the power of solar storms, which would very unstable and vulnerable all life.

La Luna.

The Moon is the cosmic body nearest Earth. The average distance between the center of the Earth and the Moon is 384,400 km. Its diameter (3,476 km) is less than a third of the Earth, its surface is one fourteenth part (37.7 million km 2

), and its volume about one fiftieth (21.860.000.000km3 ).

The Moon has a very thin atmosphere, due to low gravity. It is unable to retain gas molecules on its surface. The entire composition is still unknown. The Apollo program identified helium and argon atoms, observations from Earth in 1988, added sodium and potassium ionesde. Most of the gases on its surface from inside.

Recent research trying to detect the presence of water vapor mixed with lunar dust from comets, which have crashed into the moon in the part where it is never illuminated by the Sun


In September 2005, NASA announced plans for a new manned trip to the moon, scheduled for the 20th year

18. However, given the latter's costs, requires that the superpowers agree to make contributions, which depends on these countries to overcome economic crisis, which is from the first world.

As shown in the table, could have a temperature range, which may be d & eacute, life. Lack atmosphere, liquid water and no one knows for sure if the coal is abundant.

107 ° C -153 ° C maximum surface temperature minimum surface temperature

average surface temperature (day)

average surface temperature (night)


123 ° C

-233 ° C

Given the foregoing, it is not excluded the possibility of finding micro-organisms on the surfaceof the moon, but to date no solid evidence it

Life on Mars

For many decades there has been speculation the

possible life on Mars, both past and present. Despite recent findings, the spectrum of opinions varies considerably, with groups that argue that life on Mars is impossible and another group that says that life on Mars is a proven fact. However, the scientific community dismisses this possibility, at least with current indications.

Today does not seem seriously to believe in Martian civilizations. However, there are still people of science who think that if there is life on Mars, would be in the form of primitive mosses and lichens. Astronomical observations at frequencies outside the visible spectrum and the first visit made by a spacecraft to this planet by Ma

4 Riner in 1965 have not produced evidence of any presence of life there. What if scientists can create, is to make the future a manned base in some places on the planet. We have to use special costumes and carrying all suppliesIncluding water and air. Current theories predict the conditions under which you can find

vi da , require the availability of liquid water. It is therefore important search. Still not found liquid water on the planet. Could only find solid water (ice) and it is speculated that there may be underground environmental conditions so that water remains liquid. Liquid water can not exist on the surface of Mars under current conditions of at mosphere .

Life on other planets

The solar system planets is eight. Not nine as we were taught in school, because since the beginning of the century, the International Astronomical Union removed Pluto from the traditional category of planet and classified as a dwarf planet.

The first four planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are rocky planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are giant gas planetss also frozen.

With regard to terrestrial life does not seem possible that there is life on these planets because there is no physical medium for microorganisms. These planets are too violent and its temperatures are very low and also no evidence of liquid water in them. However, there are scientists who dare to speculate that it is possible to find life on these planets, but would be very different to what we know.

a valid option for research is to explore the rocky moons of gas giants. Europe


Europe is one of the largest satellites of the planet Jíupiter. Life on Earth depends on the presence of carbon. The electronic structure of this allows the construction of molecules into chains, which appear in cells. Carbon is a substance abundant in all parts of the universe, so it is possible to have carbon-based life in many parts of our cosmos. A second factor is the temperature of life, community is thriving between 0-100 degrees centigrade, although recently a team of scientists studied one of the most hostile environmental mediaEarth, the frozen lakes of the South Pole, and found thriving colonies of organisms where temperatures rarely rise above freezing

. So what temperature is questionable.

Photographs of the probe have revealed a possible hidden ocean of water, about 100 kilometers beneath the ice cap satellite Europa, . It is estimated that Europa's ocean is three times more water than existing on Earth. For the presence of life require water, heat and energy. Yes it iscert, the existence of an ocean of water, we find the possibility of other life factors. The existence of active volcanoes on the ocean floor in the satellite would be a source of heat for the development of life. In the IO

SATELLITE have found volcanic activity. This volcanism is caused by Jupiter's gravity on its satellites, which produce distortions in the structure and heating inside them. The same forces that cause warming in the satellite Io, acting on Europe (Io and Europa are rocky satellites of Jupiter's large size & ntilde, or comparable to that of rocky planets), so it is quite possible volcanic activity and therefore be the source of heat required for the development of life on the satellite. The hypothesis of life in Europe is not new. During the month of March 1979, Richard C. Hoagland published in the magazine Star & Sky "their ideas on the possibility of life on the satellite, after the Voyager 2 mission. Newspapers and The Plan Dealer review the published article. Hoagland suggested that in Europe there was a vast ocean under the iceor covering the satellite. His ideas met with resistance in the scientific community, except for Arthur C. Clark, inventor of satellite communications and popular science writer also ficcióny by Dr. Robert Jastrow, Director of the Goddard Institute. Clark said Hoagland's ideas were used in the development of his novel "2001: A Space Odyssey. It is curious that after two decades, the findings of the Galileo spacecraft, give validity to the hypothesis Hoagland. Will it give the reason about the possibility of life?

Ganymede also

, another rocky moons of Jupiter, has been the subject of speculation RESEARCH AND. Similarly, it is considered valid to explore the giant moons of Saturn and Uranus, but really the preliminary research has been conducted has not yielded any evidence of life.

Life outside the solar system

The solar system is a speck in the galaxy "via CTEA. In this there are a thousandLONES of stars and it seems logical to consider that many of them also have planets. The Milky Way has a diameter of 100,000 light years. Go a diameter of the Milky Way, a human speed: 11km / s, it would take 2700 million years (2.7 billion years)

In June 2009 there are 347 exoplanets recognized by the international astronomical community. It is only logical that this number is only the tip of the iceberg and that it met the futurerarán thousands, perhaps millions of exoplanets.

It would be arrogant on our part, we think that the only point in an infinite universe, with billions of stars, which has been favored by evolution to support life. And not only microbial life ... there must be intelligent life out. They may not have a anthropoid, or maybe yes, but humility compels us to think that intelligent life out there.

If the atomic theory is true, then the periodic table it is also true and therefore the chemical elements that comprise it, son, not only the elements of Earth, but the elements of the universe. Out there we can find compounds unknown on Earth, but no new elements. The universe is made of the same elements that make up the Earth. Outside there is liquid water, carbon, oxygen and somewhere also laid for life.

The extermination of the solar system, drag the destruction of life in it. The survival of our civilization does not guarantee finding havens in the cosmos, where we can accommodate. The problem of distance and the few optionsget some speed, give us both Galilean science, such as relativistic, put us in serious difficulties.

is possible that our knowledge of cosmology (physics, chemistry, biology) is wrong. That the laws of physics and chemistry we know, only serve to solve specific problems and reverse that grow our civilization, but are distant cosmic reality. This is hope. The other is a Divine intervention. Psalm 37.29 "The righteous themselves will possess the earth and reside forever upon it & amp; rdquo; Juan Fernando Sanin

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sailboats Sale Chicago Astrobiology

June 15, 2009


Juan Fernando Sanin

Note 2.

As the only life we know is that of the Earth, the definitions have been through the centuries, are related to terrestrial life . CH TMLXC

remember that at school I was taught that a living being is one who is born, grows, eats, reproduces and dies . It is a good definition, but it lacks the modern terms to describe each of these stages. In addition, one might argue that hybrids, like mules do not reproduce, surely this idea will cause controversy. Of course, now the mules could reproduce by cloning, but have not yet done the experiments and the respective findings.

The same definition, but in scientific terms might be: A living organism is a physical system that grows through reproduction, metabolism and adaptacióny that is capable of responding to stimuli . A third more sophisticated definition would be: A living organism is one that is able to reduce its entropíaa expense of substances or energy environment. Another even more complex: Living organisms are self-perpetuating chemical physical systems of chemical reactions catalyzed organiccomplex, which itself is produced by the system.

The four definitions of a living being above are equivalent, but the former is more understandable for those who are not physicists, or biologists. The fourth definition gives us a broader vision that would allow us to recognize living organisms in space, which may not be known on Earth.

In any of the four definitions is implied some propertieslife, which also will help astrobiologists to recognize where to find it. These are:

1. Homeostasis: internal regulation to maintain state. Eg sweat to keep warm.

2. Autopoiesis: The ability to continuously regenerate itself.

3. CH TMLXC Metabolism: Conversion of substances to produce new components (anabolism) or to destroy those that have (catabolism).

4. Growth: Faster anabolism to catabolism, at least in the early stages of life. Tamanoo means increased capacity to produce more than destroy components.

5. Adaptation: The ability to change in response to environmental changes. CHT MLXC


Response to external stimuli, such as geotropism or heliotropism.


Reproduction: Capable of producing nearly identical copies of themselves. The sexual reproduction is not necessarily because it is known that in plants is more common asexual reproduction and also experienced success in cloning animals. CH TMLXC

is so complicated the concept of being alive, even on earth there are living beings who do not fulfill all these properties. Such is the case of viruses, which have no metabolism and reproduced at the expense of other living beings. The same happens with humans in a coma, unresponsive to stimuli.

chemical conditions for life

chemical elements that help shape and sustain life must be followed thementities characteristics:


should form molecules that are neither too volatile nor too stable. 2.

must have internal energy, usable by the body. 3.

should be dissolved in some way to get around and find each other and produces chemical reactions. 4.

must be found in adequate amounts to ensure growth.

Life on Earth is mainly based on carbon. The silicon and boron partially meet the conditions listed. It is likely that a life based on silicon or boron, has similarities but also differences with the life that produces carbon. Elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and halogen alson satisfy the above conditions and also are a source of energíay animation.

What is the medium that allows the mobility of these elements? The most obvious is liquid water, although there may be others. Therefore, life as we know on Earth, is closely linked to liquid water, to the point that we can sense that there is water, there may be life.

But not only the environment that water would be conducive to life. There are compounds such as ammonia, which, under certain conditions, could also serve comaparicióny or medium for the sustainability of life.

For all these reasons, the search for extraterrestrial life, but is closely associated with what we know on Earth, may have strange ingredients, which hinder their recognition. Hence the need to revise the concept that we have had for centuries, so that our search is not frustrated, or, to a manifestation of life, to reject it because it is not 100% like we know it as such .

If a planet is found that:

A hardware for life. liquid water exists.

has abundant carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

This planet or moon would be a good place to try to find extraterrestrial life.

Astrobiologists are clear, most likely, if there is life in space, it will have common factors with the Earth, iero also differences. As for intelligent life, future exoplanetary findings might show that the appearance of these beings, if we manage to contact them and see them, could be very different than terrestrial humans. Most likely not be like the gray man, with large eyes, whose image is universalized, after Rostwell flying saucers.

In the next post will discuss the possibilities of finding life within the solar system.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Concussions More Condition_symptoms Astrobiology

June 13, 2009


Note 1.

The search for extraterrestrial life, is not only a scientific curiosity, but perhaps a manifestation of our collective instinct survival.

The laws of physics that are valid today, we say that in a span of 4500 million years ago, the sun burstARA as a nova and our entire solar system will become a cosmic dust cloud, rich and dense.

But long before that, when in the sun, available for hydrogen fusion into helium, it is less abundant, our star, astrophysicists classified as a white dwarf, will become a red giant and the expansion of its diameter absorb Mercury and Venus and probably also because of the Earth. It is an exaggeration to say that our days are numbered, but it is no exaggeration to say that nif ur millennia and we must keep in mind that all deadlines are met.

would think that when living conditions on Earth are very poor, our civilization would go rushing. First to the Moon, then Mars, then some moons of Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus, and finally leave the solar system.

There are several little problems that make this positive thinking no longer an illusion. Mars and moons mentioned do not have the right atmosphere is not known if they have water and the weather can be scary. But even if that & amp; eacute; sto might be possible in the future, the nearest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri, is 4.22 light years. As is known, is not habitable and also to speed we drive to get out of the Earth, about 11km / s, it would take about a million years to reach it. On average our life lasts 80 years, and even providing generations born in the ships, to reach this star is an impossible goal to achieve.

So unless there is divine intervention to annul the laws of physics or rephrase it, the civilizationn on Earth sooner rather than later is going to end.

is why it is I say that our astrobiologists, in addition to scientific curiosity, are obeying the collective unconscious, to fight for the survival of life.

Today astrophysicists search for exoplanets, that is, planets outside the solar system. To date they have discovered more than 200, but their knowledge is very poor with respect to whether they are living conditions for our lives. There is also the problem of the distance. These exoplanets, somes are in the Milky Way and others out of it, located at distances that are inimaginbles.

Also, as radio signals travel at the speed of light, the scientific community has receptors Diaye night, waiting for signals from space, to tell us whether there is life smart out there. SETI is a project whose mission is to contact intelligent life outside. SETI is an acronym in English that means "extra-terrestrial Intelligence Search."

Our astrobiologists are more grounded and would be very happy if they could, as a first step, find out if there is microbial life on the Moon, Mars, or in some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. However, in order to avoid surprises in the search for extraterrestrial life, it is necessary to redefine the concept of life. This has been done astrobiologists.

This is done in footnote 2. Juan Fernando Sanin